Event delegation helped me alot, still some tweaks I can do with that. But yeah, splitting data in to smaller chunks would probably help. Also I think the jQuery.fn.replaceWith method is a bit slow in IE, maybe try to use jQuery.fn.html() instead.

Does anyone have experience with which method is the fastest when replacing HTML with jQuery?

Kind regards,

Den 02.12.2009 14:09, skrev i...@eyemaxstudios.net:
Interesting, I've had similar problems all the way through each IE incarnation, I had a quick look at your example, with no luck, but then I didn't test it in IE.

You would think M$ would have been able to fix this problem by now, as it looks like it's a similar problem as I've always experienced, but was able to get around it by splitting data up into smaller chunks, and renaming vars to single chars, and removing white space which also helps speed the code up and reduce file size.


Mads Erik Forberg wrote:
can anyone help me debug the major memory leakage in IE on this page; http://www.prisguide.no/kategorier/mobiltelefon It seems to be the JavaScript when rendering new results after selecting a filter. I have tweaked it a bit, but seems to be very messy in IE. Runs with the jQuery 1.3.2 JS-lib.

PS: Don't worry about IE6, we don't support it. :) It's just IE7 and IE8.

Kind regards,

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