Hi all,

I'm designing a site for a friends master thesis on Fisical Chemistry
for Education, about Nanotechnology.
Since the public target is teenagers, the site has an high impact
header with an flv file.
The flv is not important and is mean't as more of an easter egg, it
shows the skin play controls on over, it has an alpha channel wich
hides it at the begining and end, and underneath there is a simpler
gif and the sites name in text, that acts also as altertnate content,
so I do not care if people can't see it because they do not have the
fash plugin installed - if they don't, it means they do not wish to
see it anyway. The content itself is inspirering but not essential as
I also do not wish to use javascript for it, since it adds more
variables to the way people may see it or not.
I manage to make it wark as intended and equally on all major browsers
using a variation of the satay method with the code:

                <div id="anima">
                    <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
data="flv/cabecalholoader.swf?path=flv/cabecalho.swf" width="788"
                        <param name="width" value="788" /><param
name="height" value="150" /><param name="src"
value="flv/cabecalholoader.swf?path=flv/cabecalho.swf" />
                        <param name="quality" value="best" /><param
name="pluginspage" value="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer";
/><param name="align" value="top" />
                        <param name="play" value="false" /><param
name="loop" value="false" /><param name="scale" value="noscale"
/><param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
                        <param name="devicefont" value="false"
/><param name="id" value="cabecalho" /><param name="bgcolor"
value="#000000" /><param name="name" value="cabecalho" />
                        <param name="menu" value="true" /><param
name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /><param
name="allowFullScreen" value="false" />
                        <param name="movie"
value="flv/cabecalholoader.swf?path=flv/cabecalho.swf" /><param
name="salign" value="" />
                        <p class="noFlash"><span>Este site apresenta
conteúdo interactivo não essencial para o <br /></span>
                        <span>Flash Player 9.0115 ou superior.
&quot;Plugin&quot; para 32bits disponível em: <br /></span>

wich is XHTML 1.0 Transitional fully valid.
The warning about the flash plugin appears onover with css styling and
is unobstrusive.

Problem is, in earlier versions of firefox and opera without the flash
plugin, it would put a flasshing icon and overload the processor on my
testing virtual machines.

I solved it adding the class classid property of the object:
still valid.

still valid, and it workd fine,
until I found out it wouldn't play anything in Firefox 3.5 with the
plugin installed.

And thats not good at all, people with the plugin installed should be
able to appreciate the high impact header if they wish to, just by
clicking the play controls.

The classid content doesn't make any difference, just its presence.
If it is there, older versions of firefox show the movie on over if
they have flash, and the warning over the gif background if they
don't. Newer versions do not show anything.
Without it, it plays in flash as in anyothor one, it even fixes
troubles on ie (it shows the text underneath on alpha enter) but it
shows a blinking flash icon and stresses the processor on earlyer
firefox and opera without the plugin.

Is there a way to serve the classid tag just for older versions of
those browsers without having to rely on javascript?
(the usual way dreamweaver and flash use the javascript just mess
things up with ie anyversion).

Thankyou so much in advance,

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