Hi Marvin,

Why there are several properties for the same selector and written twice ..
few of them repeating .. can you please optimise it ?
Try giving the background-color: transparent instead of
background:transparent and try out..

May be some problem with the validator
On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 1:02 AM, Marvin Hunkin <startrekc...@gmail.com>wrote:

> hi.
> how to fix this.
> will paste my errors and the css.
> and what colours to put in for names.
> cheers Marvin.
>  The W3C CSS Validation Service
> W3C CSS Validator results for
> C:\Docs\Tafe\CertificateFourWebsites\CertFour\PrinciplesOfVisualDesign\PrinciplesOfVisualDesign\styles\joe_style.css
> (CSS level 2.1)
> Jump to:Errors (2)Validated CSS
> W3C CSS Validator results for
> C:\Docs\Tafe\CertificateFourWebsites\CertFour\PrinciplesOfVisualDesign\PrinciplesOfVisualDesign\styles\joe_style.css
> (CSS level 2.1)
> Sorry! We found the following errors (2)
> URI :
> C:\Docs\Tafe\CertificateFourWebsites\CertFour\PrinciplesOfVisualDesign\PrinciplesOfVisualDesign\styles\joe_style.css
> 83 #navigation li a  Value Error : background-color left is not a color
> value : left left
> 95 #footer li a  Value Error : background-color left is not a color value :
> left left
> ? Top
> The W3C validators rely on community support for hosting and development.
> Donate and help us build better tools for a better web.
> Valid CSS information
> p.first:first-letter {
> text-transform : capitalize;
> font-style : italic;
> }
> body {
> font : 100%/1.4 "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif;
> background : #fff;
> }
> .left {
> float : left;
> padding : 0 8px 8px 0;
> }
> .clear {
> clear : left;
> }
> h1 {
> text-align : center;
> }
> h2 {
> text-align : center;
> }
> a:link {
> color : #008000;
> }
> a:visited {
> color : #22bb22;
> }
> div#links a span {
> display : none;
> }
> div#links a:hover span {
> display : block;
> position : absolute;
> top : 350px;
> left : 5px;
> width : 100px;
> text-decoration : none;
> }
> a:hover {
> background-color : #006400;
> color : #ff0000;
> }
> a:active {
> color : #ff0000;
> text-decoration : none;
> }
> #banner {
> text-align : center;
> }
> #content {
> margin-left : 10px;
> margin-right : 10px;
> voice-family : "\"}\"";
> voice-family : inherit;
> margin-left : 131px;
> margin-right : 131px;
> }
> body #content {
> margin-left : 10px;
> margin-right : 10px;
> }
> #nav {
> position : absolute;
> left : 10px;
> top : 100px;
> width : 100px;
> text-align : center;
> }
> #wrapper {
> width : 960px;
> background-color : #fff;
> margin : 10px auto 0 auto;
> }
> #banner_new {
> text-align : center;
> }
> #navigation {
> margin : 10px;
> overflow : hidden;
> }
> #navigation li {
> display : block;
> float : left;
> }
> *#navigation li a {
> display : block;
> float : left;
> background-image :
> url('../../Local%20Settings/Temporary%20Internet%20Files/Content.IE5/images/nav_banana.png');
> background-repeat : no-repeat;
> background-attachment : scroll;
> padding-left : 32px;
> padding-right : 16px;
> padding-top : 0;
> padding-bottom : 20px;
> background-position : top;
> }
> #navigation li a {
> display : block;
> float : left;
> background : transparent;
> padding : 0 16px 20px 0;
> }
> *#main_content {
> margin : 10px;
> }
> .specials {
> float : left;
> width : 470px;
> height : 250px;
> }
> .specials img {
> float : left;
> padding : 10px;
> }
> #footer {
> margin : 10px;
> overflow : hidden;
> }
> #footer li {
> display : block;
> float : left;
> }
> #footer li a {
> display : block;
> float : left;
> background-image :
> url('../../Local%20Settings/Temporary%20Internet%20Files/Content.IE5/images/nav_banana.png');
> background-repeat : no-repeat;
> background-attachment : scroll;
> padding-left : 32px;
> padding-right : 16px;
> padding-top : 0;
> padding-bottom : 20px;
> background-position : top;
> }
> ? Top
> Home |About |Documentation |Download |Feedback |Credits
> Copyright © 1994-2009 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), All Rights Reserved. W3C
> liability, trademark, document use and software licensing rules apply. Your
> interactions with this site are in accordance with our public and Member
> privacy statements.
> p.first:first-letter
> {
> text-transform:capitalize;
> font-style: italic;
> }
> body
> {
> font: 100%/1.4 "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif;
> background: #fff;
> }
> .left { float: left; padding: 0 8px 8px 0; }
> .clear {clear: left; }
> h1
> {
> text-align: center;
> }
> h2
> {
> text-align: center;
> }
> a:link
> {
> color: #008000;
> }
> a:visited
> {
> color: #22bb22;
> }
> div#links a span
> {
> display: none;
> }
> div#links a:hover span
> {
> display: block;
> position: absolute;
> top: 350px;
> left: 5px;
> width: 100px;
> text-decoration: none;
> }
> a:hover
> {
> background-color: #006400;
> color: #FF0000;
> }
> a:active
> {
> color: #FF0000;
> text-decoration: none;
> }
> #banner
> {
> text-align: center;
>  }
> #content
> {
> margin-left: 10px;
> margin-right:10px;
> voice-family: "\"}\"";
> voice-family: inherit;
> margin-left: 131px;
> margin-right:131px;
>  }
> body #content {
> margin-left: 10px;
> margin-right:10px;
>  }
>  #nav
> {
> position: absolute;
> left: 10px;
> top: 100px;
> width: 100px;
> text-align: center;
> }
> #wrapper { width: 960px; background-color: #fff; margin: 10px auto 0 auto;}
> #banner_new { text-align: center; }
> #navigation { margin: 10px; overflow: hidden;}
> #navigation li { display:block; float:left; }
> #navigation li a { display: block; float: left; background-image:
> url('../../Local%20Settings/Temporary%20Internet%20Files/Content.IE5/images/nav_banana.png');
>               background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color: left;
>               background-attachment: scroll; padding-left: 32px;
>               padding-right: 16px; padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 20px;
>               background-position: top }
> #navigation li a { display:block; float:left; background: transparent;
> padding: 0 16px 20px 0;}
> #main_content { margin: 10px;}
> .specials { float: left; width: 470px; height: 250px;  }
> .specials img {float: left; padding: 10px;}
> #footer { margin: 10px; overflow: hidden; }
> #footer li { display:block; float:left; }
> #footer li a { display: block; float: left; background-image:
> url('../../Local%20Settings/Temporary%20Internet%20Files/Content.IE5/images/nav_banana.png');
>               background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color: left;
>               background-attachment: scroll; padding-left: 32px;
>               padding-right: 16px; padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 20px;
>               background-position: top }
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