At 1/29/2010 08:36 PM, PurencoolGmail wrote:
The site is

All I want to know is there too much css?




Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

PS: Are you *sure* this is all you want to know?

What does the question mean? Too much CSS for what? If you're concerned about the size of your stylesheets, the two supporting the home page are only 5 KB so I would say No. If you're worried about the number of CSS rules, perhaps because you're afraid it will be difficult to maintain or degrade browser response time, I would say flatly No. Or do you mean that you're worried that the site might be over-styled? I would say no, it looks simple and open (which I like). I'm not positive what over-styled might look like, perhaps with too much decorative detail, but your site doesn't have that problem.

I do see some problems with the site most of which have nothing to do with CSS. (Yes, I know you didn't ask.)

- Neither the image fader nor the calculator worked properly in my Win Firefox 3.6 or IE8. Shall we assume they're still under development?

- The calculator breaks on text-only zoom enlargement. It would be simple enough to style its widths in ems so that it grows naturally with text zoom.

- I dislike the fact that your nav menus don't have hover states or an indicator of which page we're currently on.

- The footer menu text looks too high in the blue bar at normal zoom, and both menus quickly break cosmetically on text-only zoom. (It's easy to make menus with stretchable graphics.)

- The demos aren't enough to "sell" your apps. I recommend that you take a few paragraphs to detail their functionality, scope, limitations, and flexibility. I don't want to have to download a script merely to find out whether I can use it; that feels pushy and invasive.

- It's irritating that your demo pages lose the nav menus so the only way to get back to the rest of your site is by Backing up. Keep in mind that many people will land on a demo page right from a search engine or other link and you want to make it easy for them to browse your site from there.

- I think you should let people view the demos immediately, either right there on your home page or on the Services page. Why do we need to go to a separate demo page at all? Far better to integrate the apps right into your own site as an implicit demonstration of their integratability.

- Personally I think the delay on your fader is at least twice as long as it should be. Making people wait to watch a cosmetic effect is irritating.

- Your home page headline "Latest Product or Service" is odd. First, the ambiguity of the headline is mysterious; after all, it's your site so you should know whether the content below is a product or a service which are two very different things. Second, you don't have a Products page listed in your nav menus, and the Product or Service featured on your home page is in fact a product, creating an unnecessary and off-putting confusion. Perhaps "Services" in the top nav menu should be P & S.

Any feed back would be great and you don't have to
be nice.


Good luck with your site.



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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