The main application is to reduce HTTP requests and thereby increase page delivery speed.

Hi Mike,

I see that the page you refer to links to a stylesheet with 4 images embedded in it, rather than the stylesheet linking to those 4 images, therefore, you have one http request rather than 5 and also, that stylesheet has an expires header set to 10 years from now.

You say it's a lot faster, but I question the value of going to this trouble. I agree there is a performance gain, but if you link to the images from the stylesheet instead and also set an expires header on them then subsequent page loads become irrelevant so it's just the initial visit with an empty cache that is affected. Given that the download size is pretty much the same with either method, the only gain i can see is a marginal one from those initial extra 4 http requests. Is that really such a huge gain?

Chris Knowles

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