I am not seeing any difference in font size between the sites on either Mac/FF3.5.7 or Mac/Chrome 5.0.307.9 beta.

Looking in Firebug, I see the body has been set in two places with a font-size of 12px.

template.css (line 3)
body {

editor.css (line 1)
body {

These rules appears to be the same in both locations.

One thing I do notice is that both sites have missing CSS in Safari - which causes large chunks of the page to appear unstyled.

The reason for this can probably be found in one of your "css files":
/dev/serenitude/templates/serenitude/css/ css-5b04215701ad544b0144a40c4c2cdd38.php

In this "css file" you have a comment, a blank line and then an @charset:

/*** principale.css ***/

@charset "utf-8";

The @charset MUST appear in the first line of a CSS file. As the canonical document on @charsets states:

"Only one @charset rule may appear in an external style sheet and it must appear at the very start of the document. It must not be preceded by any characters, not even comments."

From personal experience, I can tell you that while all other browsers may be forgiving, Safari will ignore an entire style sheet if the @charset does not appear at the very start of the file.

Easy to fix, profound difference (at least in Safari)  :)


On 25/02/2010, at 9:05 PM, Rateb BEN MOUSSA wrote:

Hi all,

This is my first post here, I've a website which is hosted in two location and it still under development.

Here I've a correct render under FF 3.6

But here I noticed bigger text font under FF too

I've tested both of those links in Chromium 5.0.335.0 (0) they show me the bigger font again.

Under Firebug I've noticed that there is no difference between applied CSS for both website (tab: Style in firebug), but the calculated CSS (tab: Computed in firebug) mention that (1) has "font- size: 12px" and (2) has "font-size: 16px".

I wonder to know how this could be happen, is it a non closed tags or a misconfigured CSS that caused ambiguous inheritance.

Any idea about how to figure out with this problem, how to fix the render of this page to become the same under different navigators.

Thanks for any help

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