On 7 June 2010 14:58, Steve Gibbings <st...@stevegibbings.co.uk> wrote:

> I have a problem with that.   Radio button sets should always have an
> option selected, there is no undefined selection.  This makes sense when you
> remember where the radio button metaphor came from. However seems that
> doesn't get universally implemented.

Technically correct, true. Would you recommend a checkbox instead, or some
other option?

In practice I think the usage of radio buttons has shifted to accommodate
sets with no initial selection. In usability terms it's probably better than
a dropdown for a yes/no; and some people do have some issues with the
implied off state of checkboxes. Compare it with a paper form where you have
two boxes and you tick or cross an option - there's no preselection. I guess
it depends which paradigm is more likely to fit the scenario.


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