I used to use cssplay menus 6+ years ago but they're not the friendliest or 
most compliant to work with. 

I really like superfish - i've been using that for a few years with no problems 
at all. and I find it very easy to customise. 

I haven't really drilled down on it but it degrades nicely - works well in IE 
without any weird conditionals - and all my sites are XHTML strict compliant. 

- daniel 

On 29/06/2010, at 8:21 PM, David Dorward wrote:

> On 29 Jun 2010, at 11:04, de...@littlegent.com wrote:
>> I'd recommend using one from http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menus/
>> The trick is deciding which one to use, really. =)
> Having taken a quick look, I'd run a mile from them.
> The first one I looked at was missing and pointed me somewhere else, which 
> assured me that I've love a newer version and directed me to 
> http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menus/final_drop.html
> It was wrong, I don't love it. It seems to have all the problems I described 
> earlier (although it does, at least, bother to have basic links at the top (I 
> wonder how many people bother to put something useful that that can 
> substitute for the menu on those pages…)
> <li><a href="../menu/index.html">DEMOS<!--[if gte IE 
> 7]><!--></a><!--<![endif]-->
> <!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]-->
> This hideous excuse for markup can't be worth removing the dependancy on JS, 
> can it? (Especially since you need to implement the same fallbacks anyway!)
> -- 
> David Dorward
> http://dorward.me.uk
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