
IE6 needs "vertical-align:text-top" in order for the image aligns with text 
whereas IE7 requires extra "vertical-align:top" declares in the LI. IE8 doesn't 
need any of these so I guess IE9 will be the same which I don't have a way to 
test as the beta version wiped out my IE8 so I can't install it. After I had 
the IE9 beta installed, the previously standalone working version of IE9 
Preview no longer can be installed.

I updated the test page just in case anyone wants to see it.


On Oct 14, 2010, at 7:07 PM, tee wrote:

> Tim,
> Thanks! This won't work very well though because not all LIs have image and I 
> can't foresee which one will not have.
> Your example gave me an idea to remove the float, and it seems to be working. 
> See the test page again!
> vertical-align:top makes the image aligns with the text.
> t

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