
Topic closed.
Solution: use outerHTML to copy node.
Some sing like:

document.querySelector(".templateCollector .articleTemplate").outerHTML;

В> Hi,
В> Is there any way to clone new HTML5 elements in IE6-8?
В> I add script

В> <!--[if lt IE 9]>
В> <script
В> src="http://html5shiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js";></script>
В> <![endif]-->

В> But  when  I try to use .cloneNode(true) or jQuery .clone, all HTML5 elements
В> disappears.
В> .innerHTML show that <nav></nav> turn to <:nav></:nav> and so on.
В> If  I  try  clean  .innerHTML with regexp ... elements just disappears
В> with no trace.

В> Any ideas?

В> All best regards. Silent Imp.

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С уважением, Ворон.

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