----- Original Message ----- From: "Erickson, Kevin (DOE)" <kevin.erick...@doe.virginia.gov>
To: <wsg@webstandardsgroup.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 7:51 AM
Subject: RE: [WSG] disallow IE6 to load the main style sheet

Yes. Thank you Felix! "best viewed" works much better. And then throw in
the fact that IE 6 was first release around 2001 and ask them if they
even care if they can see a site in a "best viewed" fashion. I am
thinking they are not. ;-) j/k.
All's good.

I know of some work places still useing Windows 2000.
Or rather, I have read that they have rolled back to it, after some applications and the like wouldn't run on XP, which means that IE6 is about the only thing they can run on Windows2000, unless they use Firefox, or some other browser.
As I don't think IE7 and 8 run on Win2K.
I also know that a lot of workplaces are swiching to Vista though, so with all these different versions of Windows floating around the place, and with MS still not dropping official support for IE6 untill 2014 it is rather anoying. All that said, I don't test in IE6 anymore and have not done so for a year or so.

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