Hey Caleb,

This is probably one of those "case by case" decisions. For some small sites, 
simple media queries may be fine. However, if you have a large site, or high 
levels of mobile traffic, you may want to consider more robust alternatives - 
such as device detection etc.

This article is a little heavy handed - but worth reading:

CSS Media Query for Mobile is Fool’s Gold

Good luck

On 03/05/2011, at 5:16 PM, Caleb Wong wrote:

> Hi,
> Is it safe to use just css media to target mobile devices such as iphone, 
> blackberry, android phones?
> And assume if I'm only embedding 1 stylesheet with various media queries in 
> it, would there be any lag in the page style load?
> Has anyone got some good examples/articles for targeting mobile platforms?
> Cheers
> Caleb

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