tried this site.
not very screen reader friendly.
heaps of clickable scroll bars, and had a lot of trouble finding the forum, to ask the questions, so went to the sister site, and was able to ask the question.
and then had to use web visum, to do the are you a human thing.
and just checked, my question was not answered.
so, is there a more screen reader friendly, php group, maybe like a yahoo groups, mailling list, etc.
and maybe some one can help me with a php error i have.
any aussies on this mailling list, who can point me to a mailling list or group, yahoo, google groups, for php.
just frustrated.
looked at the php manual, how to input a e-mail form, in the php script, to, subject, message, then put the variables, and not liking one line for some reason.
any help.

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