On 1/6/12 11:25 AM, Spellacy, Michael wrote:

Heh. I certainly don't find it difficult nor did I say where it was used
(For all you know the site could be a decade old!). Regardless, all
browsers appear to handle the alignment correctly except for Safari.
Good or bad - they should all render it correctly.

Your test page is using HTML5, so it's hardly a decade old -- and a
quick run through the W3C Validator will tell you, and I quote,

 Line 57, Column 20: The center element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

So why you think browsers should "render it correctly" escapes me, as
do the circumstances that could dictate that "you MUST use it".  :-)

And, BTW, it's not just Safari -- Google Chrome behaves the same, so
it's a Webkit behavior, apparently.

Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- has...@webtuitive.com
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