I'm sorry but how is this related to Web Standards?

On Friday, June 15, 2012, Danny Vose wrote:

> **
> What I meant was not for the customer to check his mail but for you to try
> and login through his dashboard. I dont like AOL but it wouldnt be the
> redirect to them thats causing it? I have been building sites for 10 years
> plus now and as Ive said it happens often and like all "simple" snags its a
> nightmare. Its important you use elimination though Bob. If you setup a
> hotmail in 5 mins, change the redirect to that, and if the mail arrives its
> AOL/Customer side. If it doesnt, its email client side which support will
> have to sort. 99% of the time its on the domain/email client side so I
> would do that Bob and then at least you clearly distance yourself from the
> cause if it comes down to complaints about your work. Only a week or so ago
> I built a co.uk for a young lady, tested the mail and she wasnt receiving
> any? Did all the usual but no joy. I then asked her if I may have her
> password into her hotmail box to check hotmail and she could change the
> password after (I realise not everyone would allow this) Do you know what
> the problem was? The redirect email she gave me was wrong! It only takes
> someone to send you their email address and put a dash instead of an
> underscore, or spell or omit a letter and thats the answer! I often (very
> often) have customers sending emails that dont work. You or I may send a
> proper hyperlink, but customers write them out and so many people get theri
> own email address wrong. Its worth a check if your tearing your hair out.
> Dan
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* coder <javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
> 'co...@gwelanmor-internet.co.uk');>
> *To:* wsg@webstandardsgroup.org <javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
> 'wsg@webstandardsgroup.org');>
> *Sent:* Friday, June 15, 2012 12:00 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [WSG] AOL mail problems?
> Thanks,  Dan,for your comprehensive answer! I have tried everything you
> mention and I can't see anything wrong - it's driving me potty! I've done
> this several+ times over the years and not had a problem .  I was beginning
> to wonder about AOL not allowing domains not owned by them to be redirected
> . . .   or something.
> I  have not been able to check that mail sent to the domain address can
> be accessed in the mail box even if not redirected, as the customer simply
> doesn't understand what to do and wouldn't do even if I gave him full
> complete instructions!
> Thanks again.
> Bob
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Danny Vose
> *To:* wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
> *Sent:* Friday, June 15, 2012 11:29 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [WSG] AOL mail problems?
>  Hi Bob****
> I have had this problem several times over the years with customers
> wishing to have their mail redirected. The first things to check are the
> obvious ones (not a sop on your ability but computers make us brain dead at
> times!) Does his account with the hosting company have any restrictions on
> the amount of POP3 redirects as many do? Or two with the same address such
> as admin@ and admin@-redirect? Most host providers use third party email
> clients and for some unknown reason I have at times simply deleted all the
> mail accounts on the domain, then refreshed and redone and they have
> worked? Have you actually tested that mail sent to the domain address can
> be accessed in the mail box even if not redirected? Finally, it’s extremely
> easy to make a minor miss-spell when doing web work. A water test I always
> use with these problems is to quickly setup a temp Hotmail or yahoo address
> and redirect there and see if it arrives. If it does than the problem is
> with his AOL mail account. If not, its domain side. If you have checked all
> these Bob then you can’t do anymore and it’s up to the domain support to
> sort out as you don’t have backend access.****
> Dan
> ****
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* coder
> *To:* wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
> *Sent:* Friday, June 15, 2012 9:49 AM
> *Subject:* [WSG] AOL mail problems?
> Has anyone encountered problems with AOL mail such as this:
> A friend of mine has a website for his business and he has a domain. I set
> it for him so that  his domain mail redirects to joeblo...@aol.com (he
> doesn't want his mail published here, so I made that name up :-)
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