On 17/04/2014 21:25, Bill Somerville wrote:

More info below...

> On 16/04/2014 20:35, Bill Somerville wrote:
> Hi All,
>> I have just sent David my latest attempt at brief nothing to running
>> instructions. When we get them working for him I'll post again here.
> As promised here are the instructions for Ubuntu 13.10 (obviously adjust
> for your preferred directory layout etc.):
> You need Qt 5 or better, I just get the Linux installer from
> qt-project.org and install Qt 5.2.1.
> mkdir ~/src
> cd ~/src
> svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/wsjt/wsjt/branches/wsjtx wsjtx
> git clone git://git.code.sf.net/u/bsomervi/hamlib u-bsomervi-hamlib
> cd u-bsomervi-hamlib
> git checkout integration
> mkdir build
> cd build
> ../autogen.sh --prefix=$HOME/local/hamlib --disable-shared
> make && make install
> mkdir -p ~/build/wsjtx/Release
> cd ~/build/wsjtx/Release
> cmake -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=~/Qt/5.2.1/gcc_64\;~/local/hamlib \
>          -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/local/wsjtx/Release \
>          ~/src/wsjtx
> cmake --build ~/build/wsjtx/Release --target install -- -j
> You should have a runnable wsjtx in ~/local/wsjtx/Release/bin
> These got David up and running without any other steps, YMMV depending
> on what packages you have installed already on your machine.
These instructions are for a 64-bit system. The kvasd that gets 
installed is a 32-bit executable so you will need to install 32-bit 
gfortran support libraries. On Ubuntu that means:

sudo apt-get install libgfortran3:i386

If you are building on a 32-bit machine then you just need to adjust the 
Qt path in the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH variable passed to the CMake configure 
step i.e. change the 'gcc_64' to 'gcc'.
> 73
> Bill
> G4WJS.

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