Hello All,

The second beta version (B2) is available for download. Most all of the
build scripts an links have been updated or changed, as such, you must
Uninstall v2.0.0-B1 first. There are new checkout, build and help files,
as well as, individual build scripts for each application. See sections
below for more info.

*WARNING* ==> Backup anything you do not want to loose <==. The
Uninstaller should not remove any of the application build folders, but
back them up just to be safe.

Got Start > Programs > JTSDK > Uninstall > Uninstall JTSDK

INSTALL (B2) - requires internet access
[1] Download B2: https://sourceforge.net/projects/jtsdk/
[2] Click The Green Download Button
[3] Run the installer: JTSDK-2.0.0-B2.Win32.exe
[4] Open JTSDK-DOC, then JTSDK-MSYS to finalize your profiles.

If all goes well, that should be it.

* Each section has new help lists for checkout and target builds;
Type, help-qtenv  or  help-pyenv for a list of help displays.

Old Way (B1) : build wsjtx <target>
New Way (B2) : build-wsjtx  or build-wsjt  or build-wspr

The default builds are release / install targets. For a listing of all
available targets for a particular app, type: help-<app_name>.

* There are many tests that can be run. I've tested virtually all of the
build targets at one time or another. That is not to say there are no
issues, I am sure there are plenty lurking in the shadows. The more
testing we can do the better.

JTSDK-QT Tests ( do the same WSJTX, WSJTXRC, WSPRX and MAP65 )
* build-<app_name>
* build-<app_name> rinstall
* build-<app_name> dinstall
* build-<app_name> package

After successful package build, try installing it, see how that goes.
For other builds, run the Debug and Release builds, see if things work
as you expect.

JTSDK-PY Tests ( do the same for WSJT and WSPR )
* build-wsjt
* build-wsjt install
* build-wsjt package

Note: WSJT and WSPR do now use "r"install or "d"install. To see a list
of additional targets you can build, type: help-wsjt  or help-wspr

That's all for now. As always, if you have issues with installing,
building or things aren't working the way you expect, post it to the
Development List: <wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>.

Greg, KI7MT

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