On 02/02/2015 19:45, Joe Taylor wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have made further improvements to the speed of the decoders in WSJT-X,
> independently of any recourse to concurrent processing in machines with
> multiple CPUs.
> These measurements were made on a Windows 7 machine with 4-core i5-2500 CPU.
> Program Version        Time    Decode   #
> -------------------------------------------
> v1.3 r3673             2.48 s  Deepest  17
> v1.4.0-rc2, r4400      2.28    Deepest  17
> v1.5, r4925            1.01    Deepest  17
> v1.5, r4926            0.83    Deepest  17
> v1.5, r4926 -w 2 -m 2  0.80    Deepest  17
> v1.5, r4926            0.75    Normal   16
> v1.5, r4926            0.69    Fast     16
> The bottom line: At this stage, much has been gained by some careful
> algorithmic tuning.  The decoder in r4926 is 3 times faster than the one
> in r3673, and 2.7 times faster than the one in r4400.  In r4926 a small
> further improvement (about 4%) is obtained by using patience level "-w
> 2" and two threads ("-m 2") for the FFTs.
> Similar speed improvements were measured on a linux machine (Core 2 Duo,
> E6750 CPU).
This is an excellent performance improvement and in the context of the 
~10 second window where successful decodes are most desirable, it is 
significant improvement to operating experience.

>       -- Joe, K1JT

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