Mostly for Bill, G4WJS:

FT-950, controlled via CAT for both frequency and PTT.
Never any issues controlling the rig from wsjt-x before recent releases, or
with fldigi and xmlrpc scripts.

Tx Pct ranging from 20% - 33%.

The error dialog says "Rig Control Error", with no further details.
Again, this only happens while wspr-hopping, never while changing
bands in jt65/jt9.

And somehow, "Tx Enable" is getting un-set at times even without
an error dialog.

Being a Linux/Unix kinda-guy, I have a terminal running
on the side with a "tail -f ALL_WSPR.txt", so I can see
all the logging.

P.J. "Josh" Rovero                   Ham Radio: KK1D
http://www.roveroresearch. <>net
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