
> On Jul 9, 2015, at 7:43 AM, Bill Somerville <> wrote:
> On 09/07/2015 08:18, Steven Franke wrote:
> Hi Steve,
>>> On Jul 9, 2015, at 7:04 AM, Bill Somerville < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> On 09/07/2015 05:16, Michael Black wrote:
>>> Hi Mike,
>>>> I noticed in that log that PTT=true comes before the frequency change and 
>>>> PTT=false afterwards.  Was probably in the prior log too just didn't 
>>>> notice it.  I'm betting the TS-480 can't change frequency while 
>>>> transmitting which would explain the "busy" indicator.  Switching to VOX 
>>>> delays the audio onset that triggers transmit so that works.
>>> PTT should not be asserted before changing frequency, maybe this is what is 
>>> happening if the code to do the "tune up" transmit is not correctly 
>>> sequenced. Although this does not explain the instances where the "RX;" 
>>> command is getting a busy response, if the "RX;" command cannot be 
>>> processed while the rig is in transmit mode we have a much more serious 
>>> problem!
>>>> There are a couple of changes with "freq" in them and I wonder if one of 
>>>> those got moved ahead of the ptt=false for WSRP mode.  PTT goes to false 
>>>> after the error occurs.  It looks like it's trying to change frequency for 
>>>> the next transmit period while it's still transmitting on the last one.
>>> This is why I asked about auto-ATU actions because they can hold the rig in 
>>> transmit after a request to return to receive.
>> I do not have “Tune” selected for any band in the schedule. I do have the 
>> antenna tuner engaged so that the rig recalls the stored tuner settings when 
>> doing a frequency change.
> Oh! That's a surprise, that probably explains why I can understand how the 
> PTT is being asserted before the offending frequency change commands, clearly 
> I am looking in the wrong place. OK, I really need that full verbose CAT 
> trace with the version with my last patch for the WSJT-X 
> HamlibTransceiver.cpp source.

The latest trace (with your patch installed) is here: 

The sequence is as follows:
Started the program at 16:06:43
First TX cycle starts at 16:10:00 (PTT goes high)
The error occurs at the end of the first TX cycle, at 16:11:53
I quit the program at 16:12:11, which triggers the ‘RX’ error that you noticed 

Again, I do not use tune. The problem always occurs at the very end of a TX 

Steve k9an

> I think now that the band hopping frequency changes are happening prematurely 
> and because we sequence un-asserting PTT with asynchronous delays (and VOX 
> may well add other delays out of our control at he rig). I now suspect that 
> the whole WSPR band hopping scheduling will need to be triggered off a timer 
> that allows a generous interval for the previous Tx period to fully complete 
> including any delayed action from the rig. I will try and look at this this 
> Evening.
>>>> 73
>>>> Mike W9MDB
>>> 73
>>> Bill
>>> G4WJS.
> 73
> Bill
> G4WJS.
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