Hi Peter,

> Has the CALL3.TXT file changed content format at some point (if so, I 
> must have missed the announcement)?

There's been no formal release of WSJT since v10.0 r6088, thus no
announcement. Your working from the Development Branch ( work in progress ).

> It seems that when I let the program use the file generated by the build 
> everything is OK, but, that when I replace it with an older version 
> (bigger with lots of local data added over time) the problem occurs. 
> Permissions and owner are identical.
> Puzzled!

The CALL3.TXT file is not generated per say, it is merely copied from
the source folder if it does not exist in the installation location.

I can't recall exactly when I updated the CALL3.TXT file ( I can go look
in SVN if it's critical ). There were a number of syntax errors in the
older WSJT CALL3.TXT file ( additional comma's, additional  fields, bad
field data etc ) that needed to be corrected. The CALL3.txt file was
cleaned up, and the data was added to logbook.db. JTSDK prevents
overwriting files in the original WSJT install location ~/.wsjt just in
case the CALL3.txt file has been locally updated / modified, however,
the file needs to be properly formatted, which the older CALL3.txt files
are / were not.

In the WSJT source folder ^/trunk/logbook you'll find two files:

1). call3.csv (OpenOffice Calc / MS Excel csv file)
2). logbook.db (SQLite3 file)

The call3.csv file is exported ( as a csv file ) from logbook.db using
any number of SQLite3 Database Management tools (Windows or *Nix). You
can use whatever you are comfortable with. Then, using OpenOffice Calc
or MS Excel, export the updated csv as CALL3.txt. You can then replace
the Default CALL3.txt file located in the installation folder.

You can use any combination of Edit and Export steps to produce a New
CALL3.txt file which includes your local modifications, but, be careful
of using 'commas "," ' in any of the fields, as those are Field
Separators for csv import / export. This is what caused problems in the
older CALL3.txt file (additional commas in the CALL3 Comments field).

I have a TKinter / Pmw template working, however, A number of things
needed to be implemented before adding a QSO's to a database or CALL3
lookups / updates could work properly.

1). Proper FSH (Windows or Linux) was needed.
2). WSJT needed the ability to run from any location, or multiple
instances using separate Audio devices.

Both have now been implemented but not fully tested.

Database logging and automated CALL3 lookups / updates can now be worked
on, however, this code has not be written.

Greg, KI7MT

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