Dear Colleagues,

FYI, I have copied below a message to be sent to the "wsjtgroup" 
reflector.  Its intent is to bring users up-to-date on our recent and 
planned development work.

        -- Joe, K1JT

From: Joe Taylor, K1JT, on behalf of the WSJT development group

 From time to time we try to bring everyone up-to-date on activities and 
plans of the WSJT Development group.

Since December 12, 2015, Version 1.6.0 has been the latest fully 
supported general release of WSJT-X.  It now has several thousand 
regular users.  If you are using an earlier version of WSJT-X, we 
recommend upgrading to v1.6.0.

The active code development branch for WSJT-X is presently called 
Version 1.7.  More than 50 users have been compiling code revisions of 
v1.7 for themselves and using it on the air.  New features in Version 
1.7 (some still experimental) include these:

1.  Submodes JT65B, JT65C are fully implemented.
2.  A new "FT" decoder for JT65; patented KVASD no longer used.
3.  JT65 offers signal subtraction and two-pass decoding.
4.  Further improvements to the JT65, JT4, JT9, and WSPR decoders.
5.  Many improvements to Rig Control.
6.  Improved conveniences for automatic EME Doppler tracking.
7.  A download facility for sample files.
8.  Save/Restore facility for multiple configurations.
9.  New modes: ISCAT, JT9 "wide and fast modes", JTMSK (experimental)
10. Optional auto-sequencing for fast modes.
11. Optional automatic QSYs in response to "CQ nnn" in fast modes.

We are experimenting with two additional modes optimized for meteor 
scatter and EME.  These modes, pioneered especially by Steve Franke 
(K9AN) and Nico Palermo (IV3NWV) use "low density parity check (LDPC) 
codes" -- one of the latest areas of active research in communication 

We hope to be ready to make a candidate release of v1.7 later this 
summer.  It will probably contain most (if not all) of the above features.

Because of some recent issues with other users and would-be users of our 
code, I will end with several comments that may help to clarify our 
copyright and licensing policies.

1. All programs in the WSJT project are open source and licensed under 
the GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 3.  We think this policy 
serves the best interests of Amateur Radio.  Open source makes it easy 
for others to read and learn from our code, and to suggest improvements. 
The GPL means that anyone may copy, use, modify, or adapt our code for 
their own personal use, in any way they choose.  It is permissible to 
use our code (or code adapted or translated from our code) in a program 
made for wider distribution, whether you charge for the program or not, 
but in such cases the distributed program's licensing must also conform 
to the GPL.  Note that our code uses some libraries and algorithms which 
are themselves GPL licensed.

2. For added emphasis: It is NOT permissible to use our code (or code 
based on ours, a so called "derivative work") in any program unless that 
program is itself licensed with terms compatible with the GNU Public 
License (GPL), Version 3 or later.

3. Development branches in our source code repository may sometimes 
include code to implement experimental protocols or modes.  Anyone is 
welcome to study such code and to experiment with it, at home.  But 
please do *not* use undocumented modes on the air, or enable others to 
do so, before a formal announcement that they are ready for use.  We 
prefer to do our development work in the open, using our public 
repository, rather than going "underground" during early phases of 

     -- 73, Joe, K1JT (for the WSJT Development Group)

Attend Shape: An AT&T Tech Expo July 15-16. Meet us at AT&T Park in San
Francisco, CA to explore cutting-edge tech and listen to tech luminaries
present their vision of the future. This family event has something for
everyone, including kids. Get more information and register today.
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