Yes, the DX station should stay on one frequency. 
How do you handle dupes? If the same station continues to call after working 
the DX, would the program continue to call the dupe if the DX station has Call 
1st checkmarked? Just thinking...
73 Jay KA9CFD

Sent from my U.S. Cellular® Smartphone
-------- Original message --------From: Joe Taylor <> Date: 
8/17/17  14:45  (GMT-06:00) To: WSJT software development 
<> Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] WSJT on DXpedition 
Hi Alex, Iztok, and all,

Thanks for your comments and suggestions for optimizing FT8 QSO rates in 
pileup conditions.

In my message posted yesterday I kept things simple and did not go into 
any detail about what to do when things do not go exactly "by the book". 
  Of course you are right to emphasize that these issues must be 

How best to keep busted or difficult QSOS from dreadfully slowing down a 
run?  After further thought, I've begun to like something close to 
Alex's original suggestion.  Suppose we define five new standard message 
formats that start with the fragments "73 NOW ", "73 CQ ", "73 CQ UP ",
"NIL NOW ", and "NIL CQ UP ".  Example messages would look like these:

  73 NOW W9XYZ R QH72
  73 CQ VK9MA QH72
  73 CQ UP VK9MA QH72

The first three types tell the previously worked station that she's in 
the log.  The last two terminate a failed QSO attempt, tell that 
operator he is NOT in the log, and attempt to start a new QSO.

A series of QSOs made from VK9MA might then look something like this:

1.  CQ UP VK9MA QH72
2.          VK9MA K1ABC FN42, K9MA W9XYZ EN37, VK9MA WB6DEF CM88, ...
3.  K1ABC VK9MA R QH72
4.          VK9MA K1ABC RRR
5.  73 NOW W9XYZ R QH72
6a.         VK9MA W9XYZ RRR   (not copied at VK9MA)
6b.         VK9MA W9XYZ EN37  (W9XYZ did not copy #5, he calls again)
7.  W9XYZ VK9MA R QH72        (try him again)
8.          VK9MA W9XYZ RRR
9.  73 NOW WB6DEF R QH72
10.         VK9MA WB6DEF RRR  (not copied at VK9MA)
11. WB6DEF VK9MA R QH72       (try him again)
12.         VK9MA WB6DEF RRR  (still not copied at VK9MA)
13a. NIL NOW G4AAA R QH72     (on to the next one...)
13b. NIL CQ UP VK9MA QH72     (nobody in the queue, call CQ again)

Do you see any situations not adequately covered by this scheme?

Offhand, I do not like the idea of the DXpedition station jumping around 
in frequency.  (No doubt that could be made to work, but it seems better 
to me that he should stay put.)  Maybe if he transmits, say, on 14.070 
he should respond only to calls between 14.071 and 14.075, or something 
like that.

        -- 73, Joe, K1JT

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