Hi Peter,

The semi-automated calibration procedure assumes that you will use calibration signals on at least two different frequencies.

You have used just one, at 144.450 MHz. Nevertheless, I think you can do a good job of calibration with your existing data, using "by hand" the individual tools is the calibration toolkit.

Copy your file fmt.all into the "bin" directory in your WSJT-X installation directory. Then open a command-prompt window, cd to that directory, and run program "fmtave" the file fmt.all. I get the following result:

C:\WSJT\wsjtx1.9.0\bin>fmtave fmt.all
    Freq     DF    CAL   N     rms    UTC     Call
   (kHz)    (Hz)    ?         (Hz)
 144.450 -129.118   1   22    1.63  21:34:34

The somewhat cryptic output says that your dial is off by -129.118 Hz at 144.45 MHz, a fractional error of -129.118/144.450 = -0.894 ppm (parts per million). This number is the constant "B" defined in the graph displayed in Section 13.1 of the WSJT-X User Guide:

http://www.physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/wsjtx-doc/wsjtx-main-1.9.0-rc4.html#_frequency_calibration It's the value that

If you set your 2-meter dial frequency low by 129 Hz, you'll be on frequency.

If you're using CAT control in WSJT-X, go to Settings -> Frequencies and enter -0.894 for "Slope". You can safely use 0.0 for "Intercept", which should be close enough. Then you should be good to go. :-)

        -- 73, Joe, K1JT

On 5/1/2018 9:12 PM, Peter Sumner wrote:
 following suggestions from others on this list I have tried to use freqcal from WSJT-X 1.9.0-rc3 on a single GPS locked VHF beacon.

This beacon on 144.450 (VK5VF) runs a mixture of carrier and CW ID (on off keying).  Each time I run the process that is outlined in the documentation when I select the "solve for calibration"  I end up with the quite unhelpful error telling me: "Calibration error  Check fmt.all for possible bad data" so I dutifully look in this file to try and identify what is wrong (sample below)

21:34:34 144450  1  1500  1368.324  -131.676   14.5   39.8
21:34:36 144450  1  1500  1369.671  -130.329   14.9   38.5
21:34:39 144450  1  1500  1369.555  -130.445   14.8   40.1
21:34:41 144450  1  1500  1368.284  -131.716   17.2   34.2
21:34:44 144450  1  1500  1368.318  -131.682   16.5   36.1
21:35:34 144450  1  1500  1369.171  -130.829   15.9   38.1
21:35:36 144450  1  1500  1369.574  -130.426   14.9   39.5
21:35:39 144450  1  1500  1369.270  -130.730   15.8   36.2
21:35:41 144450  1  1500  1370.659  -129.341   15.4   36.1
21:35:43 144450  1  1500  1372.416  -127.584   14.9   38.3
21:35:49 144450  1  1500  1371.663  -128.337   14.8   39.2
21:36:19 144450  1  1500  1373.065  -126.935   14.7   41.5
21:36:21 144450  1  1500  1372.527  -127.473   15.7   35.2
21:36:24 144450  1  1500  1372.356  -127.644   19.3   28.5
21:36:26 144450  1  1500  1372.464  -127.536   20.3   26.5
21:36:28 144450  1  1500  1372.826  -127.174   19.7   28.8
21:36:34 144450  1  1500  1370.782  -129.218   14.8   40.4
21:36:36 144450  1  1500  1370.859  -129.141   14.9   38.2
21:36:39 144450  1  1500  1371.701  -128.299   14.7   41.4
21:36:41 144450  1  1500  1371.060  -128.940   16.1   37.6
21:36:43 144450  1  1500  1371.607  -128.393   14.8   39.4
21:36:49 144450  1  1500  1373.245  -126.755   14.8   38.1

Can any of the list members help me identify which of these lines of data would be in error?  Is the variance in offset too high as it goes from, -126 to -131 Hz across the 30 second period,  When I try a smaller sample I get the error telling me there is not enough information in the file, so that did not help,

Peter, vk5pj

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