Hi Ned,
SM3CER Contest Calendar is standard!
Please keep visiting it!
gl de ha6nn

On Sat, May 5, 2018 at 5:25 PM, Ned <a...@cox.net> wrote:

> Notes in no particular order.
> 1. Frequency selection: Today's conflict with RTTY contest might have been
> avoided had we looked at the contest calendar. I know that the contest
> calendar is not showing any RTTY contests for the KH1 DXpedition time frame
> so the 14090 operating frequency might still be fine.
> 2. N1DG's startup issue: Something I have noted over time is that my K3
> radio that I use for FT8 is in a bad configuration for FT8 after using it
> previously in some other mode. It might be that not all settings are sent
> to the radio when selecting the Fox or Hound submode while changing
> settings. I believe Don cleared the problem after changing modes back to
> Hound and then back to Fox. Don and I now know to do some sort of
> pre-flight check before calling CQ when in Fox submode when we are on the
> island.
> 3. Software worked wonderfully: I felt in total control in this test
> session. I had the time to watch the # of ongoing QSOs and queue management
> on the Fox side was working well.
> 4. Hounds need to know when to go back to TX1 and start over. Some hounds
> were calling for a long time sending TX3 long after my software acted as if
> we had a completed QSO. It might be nice to have some sort of operator tip
> that pops up to suggest that a Hound try over again. There was nothing for
> me to do on the Fox end.
> 5. Quite a few loud stations were calling using the wrong version of
> software or the right version and not in the Hound submode. When they
> called below 1000 Hz, all they did was make it impossible for my station to
> decode some replies. We need more training of Hounds, I guess.
> 6. My software crashed when I tried to sort the Band Activity list by Grid
> Square. I am not exactly sure why I tried that sort option, but I will
> likely not try it again.
> 7. I was using NSlots=5 and I noticed I could manage the rate by signal
> strength. When I only selected high SNR stations the rate was high. When I
> included very low SNR stations (in general) the rate plummeted. It appears
> that you need to drop NSlots to a lower value when working the weaker (more
> distant) stations to give them a few more dB to copy their report.
> 8. Is it possible to include a free text message option? e.g. "QSY 15M" or
> things like that?
> The software is working great! My compliments to the team for these latest
> features.
> Ned / AA7A
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