
It was worth waking up early. Fun.
WSJT started in new directory, so no old logs/data was messing up with dupe 
17 QSO. Already on LoTW.

Some comments:

After restart serial number went to 0. Cosmetics.

Only green: I expected "new DXCC" to warn about new DXCC, but all were green.
Also, no indication for dupe (newer saw blue line).
LotW works (VP8LP in black, unfortunately)

For real RU I would prefer indication "new multiplier/new QSO on band" for all 
calls detected.
When I see "025545  -7  0.4 1463 ~  W4OCO AB4SF R 549 VA" on screen,
I would like to know is AB4SF new on band? Is he multiplier?

In contest, LotW status is not primary.
(Due to grid chase: next weekend LotW status WILL be primary for me).

And real question:
ARRL announced FT8 is acceptable for contest, but without any automatic/macro 
Does it mean we can not use "Auto Seq"?
How about "Call 1st"?

Or it is more targeting SV5DKL like procedures?

Best 73, CU
Iztok, S52D

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