Hi Dave,

On 12/14/2018 11:49, David Gould wrote:
Concerns the band activity window when in a CQ msg the country name is preceded by eg   a1

In 1.9 the (eg a1  Belize) starts several space characters to the right of where a normal country name starts.   Is there a reason for this?

In V2 there are many more leading spaces meaning most of the country name is out of the window unless you have a very wide window.  Is this deliberate, if so why?

Deliberate? Yes, but not for a reason that will stand up permanently.

There are only so many "radio hours" in a day, and we judged that fixing this minor formatting issue should have low priority. Most users pay little or no attention to those "a1", "a2", ... notices. YOu don't need a very wide window, just scroll right to check when you need to.

        -- 73, Joe, K1JT

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