On 12/18/2018 10:21 AM, Rich Griffiths wrote:
> I'd like to chat with someone who has a working install of version 2.0.0
> on Debian stretch.  If you're interested, please contact me off-list at
> rich-at-w2rg-dot-net.
> 73
> ... Rich   W2RG

Here's what I've been doing with WSJT-X 2.0.0 on Debian stretch.  These
steps assume you'll not be compiling with local/integrated
documentation.  That entails numerous extra dependencies (though I have
waded through it) and more disk space.  I just use the online docs.

It also suggests a directory structure similar to what Greg's JTSDK
employed, so you can have multiple instances for different future minor
dot releases.  Optional, and the directory names can be changed to
something appropriate.  The names "build" and "install" for
subdirectories work for me.

                                wsjtx-2.0.0/ (source)
                        install/ (compiled executables)

1) Install dependencies

sudo apt install build-essential git cmake gfortran libfftw3-dev \
qtbase5-dev libqt5serialport5-dev libqt5multimedia5-plugins \
libqt5sql5-sqlite autoconf automake libtool texinfo libusb-1.0-0-dev \
libudev-dev qtmultimedia5-dev

2) Download the source .tgz file from SourceForge or the project's main
site (my browser puts it into ~/Downloads by default).  Setup the
directory structure, copy the source and unpack it (change for
different/future versions as needed):

mkdir -p ~/wsjtx/wsjtx-2.0.0/build
mkdir -p ~/wsjtx/wsjtx-2.0.0/install

cd ~/wsjtx/wsjtx-2.0.0/build
cp ~/Downloads/wsjtx-2.0.0.tgz .
tar xf wsjtx-2.0.0.tgz

3) Configure the package:

cd ~/wsjtx/wsjtx-2.0.0/build/wsjtx-2.0.0


4) Compile the package:

cmake --build ~/wsjtx/wsjtx-2.0.0/build/wsjtx-2.0.0 --target install -- -j

5) Execute:

cd  ~/wsjtx/wsjtx-2.0.0/bin

I use the MATE desktop and create a launcher icon for each version that
I've compiled under ~/wsjtx/wsjtx-2.x.x/.  I just reference the wsjtx
executable (in install/bin) and pixmap icon for each version (in

I've thought about tossing these steps into a script to minimize typing,
and changing the directories names a bit, but so far it works for me.
Maybe others can chime in with additional suggestions?

73, KD0KZE / Paul

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