Follow up - mode gets changed back to FT8 if I got into the settings and change 
anything (for example, checking the box “Alternate F1-F6 bindings” and clicking 
OK returns the mode to FT8 and FT4 mode, even if selected, won’t work until the 
program is closed and restarted.  

Also as a follow up to my below about step 8 - looks like the release email has 
a slight conflict with the PDF - perhaps the PDF with the setup instructions 
should be modified?  


Jim S. 

> On Apr 29, 2019, at 2:30 PM, James Shaver <> wrote:
> I’m on 20 meters - After about 2-3 minutes of operating, I’m seeing the mode 
> getting changed back to FT8 and my frequency is jumping to 14.074.  This 
> appears to be random (though it still shows the “FT4” configuration as being 
> selected).  Selecting FT4 as the mode does not put me back to 14.080 but 
> closing the program and reopening brings me back to where I need to be. ****A 
> reboot appears to have cured this**** but FYI in case anyone else is 
> experiencing a similar issue.  
> Also, I’m already seeing quite a few people that have skipped step 8 in the 
> setup instructions.  
> 73,
> Jim S. 
> N2ADV (ex KD2BIP)
>> On Apr 29, 2019, at 2:05 PM, Joe Taylor <> wrote:
>> To:   Users of WSJT-X -- especially those interested in radio contesting
>> From: WSJT Development Group
>> By now most of you know about the FT4 protocol under development for 
>> eventual release in WSJT-X 2.1.0.  The new mode is particularly optimized 
>> for use in radio contesting.
>> FT4 is mostly like FT8, but is 2.5 x faster, uses 1.8 x the bandwidth, and 
>> is 4.6 dB less sensitive.  Many other details are summarized in "The FT4 
>> Protocol for Digital Contesting", available here:
>> Links to translations in other languages are available on the WSJT-X web 
>> page:
>> Release candidate WSJT-X 2.1.0-rc5 is intended for beta-testing through June 
>> 7, 2019.  Please note that the FT4 mode should NOT be used in the ARRL June 
>> VHF QSO Party (June 8-10) or ARRL Field Day (June 22-23).
>> We have done our best to provide suggested operating frequencies for the 
>> test period consistent as far as possible with world-wide band plans and 
>> existing usage.  Please note that thanks to good user feedback, some of 
>> these frequencies are different from those suggested in the document linked 
>> above.
>> Default frequencies currently recommended for FT4 are as follows:
>> Band   MHz    Notes
>> -------------------------------------
>> 80    3.575   (3.568 MHz in Region 3)
>> 40    7.047
>> 30   10.140
>> 20   14.080
>> 17   18.104
>> 15   21.140
>> 12   24.919
>> 10   28.180
>> 6   50.318
>> 2  144.170
>> FT4 is designed for contesting, but it will likely find some use for normal 
>> QSOI’m on 20 meters - After about 2-3 minutes of operating, I’m seeing the 
>> mode getting changed back to FT8 and my frequency is jumping to 14.074.  
>> This appears to be random (though it still shows the “FT4” configuration as 
>> being selected).  Selecting FT4 as the mode does not put me back to 14.080 
>> but closing the program and reopening brings me back to where I need to be. 
>> ****A reboot appears to have cured this**** but FYI in case anyone else is 
>> experiencing a similar issue.  
> Also, I’m already seeing quite a few people that have skipped step 8 in the 
> setup instructions.  
> 73,
> Jim S. 
> N2ADV (ex KD2BIP)
>> On Apr 29, 2019, at 2:05 PM, Joe Taylor <> wrote:
>> To:   Users of WSJT-X -- especially those interested in radio contesting
>> From: WSJT Development Group
>> By now most of you know about the FT4 protocol under development for 
>> eventual release in WSJT-X 2.1.0.  The new mode is particularly optimized 
>> for use in radio contesting.
>> FT4 is mostly like FT8, but is 2.5 x faster, uses 1.8 x the bandwidth, and 
>> is 4.6 dB less sensitive.  Many other details are summarized in "The FT4 
>> Protocol for Digital Contesting", available here:
>> Links to translations in other languages are available on the WSJT-X web 
>> page:
>> Release candidate WSJT-X 2.1.0-rc5 is intended for beta-testing through June 
>> 7, 2019.  Please note that the FT4 mode should NOT be used in the ARRL June 
>> VHF QSO Party (June 8-10) or ARRL Field Day (June 22-23).
>> We have done our best to provide suggested operating frequencies for the 
>> test period consistent as far as possible with world-wide band plans and 
>> existing usage.  Please note that thanks to good user feedback, some of 
>> these frequencies are different from those suggested in the document linked 
>> above.
>> Default frequencies currently recommended for FT4 are as follows:
>> Band   MHz    Notes
>> -------------------------------------
>> 80    3.575   (3.568 MHz in Region 3)
>> 40    7.047
>> 30   10.140
>> 20   14.080
>> 17   18.104
>> 15   21.140
>> 12   24.919
>> 10   28.180
>> 6   50.318
>> 2  144.170
>> FT4 is designed for contesting, but it will likely find some use for normal 
>> QSOs as well, especially during the beta test period.  In the coming month 
>> we hope to receive useful feedback on the user interface, message 
>> sequencing, interaction with logging programs, etc.  Probably it's best to 
>> use "normal" (non-contest) messages except during the mock-contest practice 
>> sessions scheduled for 0000 - 0100 UTC on May 9 and May 14, and (if needed) 
>> June 5.
>> Downloadable installation packages for WSJT-X 2.1.0-rc5 under Windows, 
>> Linux, and macOS are available on the WSJT-X web page:
>> Windows users will discover that WSJT-X v2.1.0 has been made available as a 
>> 64-bit MS Windows build for 64-bit versions of Windows since Vista. This 
>> veraion has one known defect. The audio input device level will be reset to 
>> 100% when WSJT-X is started, when the input audio device is changed, and 
>> when switching to a new configuration. This is a Qt framework defect that we 
>> have reported and is being fixed in a future release; until then users 
>> should take care to set the device audio level back to 0dB or lower 
>> depending on requirements. Note that many sound cards and chips have real 
>> gain ahead of the ADC, as much as 14dB, which will be turned to the maximum 
>> due to this defect and is usually undesirable when using WSJT-X.
>> Despite this annoying defect, we recommend the 64-bit version of WSJT-X on 
>> MS Windows as it has significant advantages in decoding speed.
>>   -- 73 from Joe, K1JT; Steve, K9AN; and Bill, G4WJS
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