On 18/07/2019 14:29, Kari wrote:
Hi developers,
it seems that whenever "Decode" is set to "Normal" or "Deep", then "A Priori" 
is enabled as well.

IIRC there used to be a separate option for AP.

Now, when WSJT-X detects a signal with AP, the display has
some extra spaces before the AP indicator and country name, like this:

The extra spaces are also written to ALL.TXT.

This does not really bother me, just wondering if this is
by design ( and, if so, why ? :)

I'm using WSJT-X v2.1.0 ( compiled from sources )
on XUbuntu 18.04.2 LTS (Bionic Beaver)

BR, Kari, oh2gqc

Hi Kari,

this is due to a rather awkward implementation. There is currently a project underway to refactor the WSJT-X source code base, the first target is to improve the implementation details that cause this issue and many other related ones. The intent is to include AP decoding indications in ALL.TXT but not to show it by default in the UI, although the option to drill down into decodes to view detailed information like this will probably be provided.


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