Understandable with a small screen. 
I use a second screen and even add in QRZ info, call info window from JTALERT 
and ACLOG.
 I find the size of the icons ok. Being a previous programmer analyst the 
toughest job I had with clients was screen layout. No one would ever agree on 
placement of fields.

The old adage ā€œ you can please some of the people some of the time but not all  
of the people all the time.ā€  Is the usual environment.

I believe the code is available to modify if you wish. Moving the screen layout 
is no small task but can be done without reducing the functionality of the 

Unless one of the developers sole task is screen layout then it could be done 
in time. Iā€™m sure they, the developers, have their hands full keeping up with 
bug fixes, maintaining compatibility with other application changes - everyone 
is enhancing - and maintaining several OSs.

Good luck.


 Regards and 73s
London Amateur Radio Club

> On Aug 15, 2019, at 15:06, David Gilbert <xda...@cis-broadband.com> wrote:
> Apologies again if this has been covered before, but I went back through the 
> list archive to the beginning of 2019 and didn't see a related post.
> Why is so much of the FT8/4 main screen space devoted to the lower half of 
> the window at the expense of the activity windows?  The layout just seems 
> really inefficient.  The Frequency and Date/Time bars are huge, the DX Call, 
> DX Grid, Lookup, and Add blocks could all be arranged differently to save 
> both vertical and horizontal space, and the space between and around the 
> Standard Message blocks could be reduced.  The Band Activity and Rx Frequency 
> titles could be part of the gray header bars instead of taking up their own 
> vertical space.  Even the Log QSO, Stop, Monitor, Erase, etc buttons could be 
> arranged vertically just to the left of the standard messages instead of 
> having so much blank horizontal space in the message blocks.
> It just seems weird to me that the more useful Band Activity information 
> takes a back seat to other less useful formatting.  I use a 1600 x 900 laptop 
> with minimal space devoted to JTAlert and the WSJT-X spectrum display, which 
> leaves only seven lines of info for the activity windows.  Scrolling back is 
> a hassle and wastes time.  The font on the menu bar is quite small so it 
> isn't likely that somebody decided that Frequency and Date/Time needed to be 
> that big to be seen.
> What am I missing here?
> Thanks es 73,
> Dave   AB7E
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