

Allow me to answer your questions in line:


| Aren’t major efforts (those we expect to use F/H) frequencies pre-coordinated 
and published in advance of the trip? 


You would like to think so. In practice despite trying to do just that the 
larger expeditions just took the information I tried sending about 

A35JT and filed it into the circular filing cabinet – then published my 
proposed A35JT frequencies as their own despite being told we 

were going out there months before they published theirs. So you cannot rely on 


| Do holiday-style trips really need F/H?


Depends on where they go now doesn’t it? If it was a one man holiday trip to a 
top 40-50 most wanted destination (or even a top 100 it seems) 

you can very quickly overwhelm and destroy the main standard FT8 channels. 
Whether it is one person or 30 at the DXpedition site doesn’t matter. 

If the location they are operating from is rarely activated and they have more 
than 5-6 callers at a time trying to work them, then there is a case 

to move to Fox/Hound mode, one – to speed up your QSO rate and two – to prevent 
overwhelming the main channels.


| Major dxpeditions should never operate in the standard watering holes, right? 
Isn’t there advice about this in the manual?


The software in fact means that you cant activate FOX mode on one of the 
primary frequencies. We are not talking about running FOX mode on the 

Existing standard mode frequencies anyway.


| So, why would operators looking to maximize QSO count need additional band 
monitoring displays? Shouldn’t they 
| concentrate on answering the calls headed their way? Clearing contacts would 
seem to be the goal, not searching a 
| pileup for a multiplier or rare one, right?


Sorry but this looks like a question from someone who has never been on the 
receiving end of an expedition FOX operation.


a.       We are trying to maximise QSO count

b.      There is no band activity display currently – so if another FOX 
operation starts up on top of you, you really don’t know about it initially – 
only secondary indications start to give you a hint that there is a problem.

c.       The multiplier comment is also irrelevant because in FOX mode I can do 
that today with the controls I have for stations calling me 
anyway – if I want to preference someone I can without the band activity window


| I grant you, DQRM or operator error can wreak havoc. Wouldn’t this show up in 
the fox’s completion rate and thus 
| raise suspicion by an experienced operator?


And it does – but it takes time and an experienced operator to see their 
completion rate fall. Unfortunately there are multiple reasons the

completion rate can fall – often caused by people using standard mode to call a 
FOX station repeatedly on the FOX uplink sub-channel. Direct
evidence on screen that there are callers for another FOX on the same frequency 
as yourself would allow you to more quickly take evasive 
action – or better still give you pause and not start up your FOX CQ on top of 
someone else in the first place. 


| For hounds not willing to set up a profile, why? It is extremely easy and 
affords you the ability to enter the Dxpeditions 
| published frequencies, switch between them nearly instantly, and keep some 
semblance of order by not editing your normal 
| frequency list. Is there an advantage I am missing?


Couldn’t agree more – do it all the time – but this is not at issue here....


Your other questions I will leave others to reply to as they are not about FOX 
mode operation from the FOX operator position.



Grant VK5GR – Dxpedition Leader for A35JT Tonga


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