On 13/05/2020 00:37, David Tiller wrote:
Dear devs,

I began using the latest release candidate today and love the early decodes, but I noticed a few things that seemed to be not working reliably under OSX.

My Setup: OSX 10.13.6, Icom 756PRO, and a RigExpert Standard. This setup works flawlessly with 2.1.2.

1) 2.20-RC1 does not remember the last band used on startup. It often starts on 160m and ends up on  2m, sometimes changing it while the RC banner is showing. 2) PTT on TX is intermittent, as is the 'tune' function. Note that I do NOT use CAT control of the rig from WSJT-X (or anything else when testing this). 3) Testing PTT sometimes works. The button turns red by itself and only actually keys the radio occasionally.

Going into the Preferences/Radio menu tab immediately after startup gives me a red Test PTT button. With 2.1.2 I get a white button, as expected. See image, below.

I've made a video of the issues that can be downloaded from this folder link:


In case the listserv eats the link, it's:
h t t p s:// drive_google_com / open ? id= 1lRJIQFGZifH67zHoJUmajqDJiRrp43te

sub '.' for '_' and remove spaces.

Thanks to all the devs for all their hard work!

Hi David,

thanks for the issue report. Something is clearly not right. To help us diagnose this please open a terminal window and type the following command:

/Applications/wsjtx.app/Contents/MacOS/rigctl-wsjtx -m 3027 -p 
/dev/cu.usbserial-141201 -P RTS -vvvvv -Z t pause 1 t pause 1 t

Rreply with what gets printed please?


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