WSJT-X 2.2.2 is a bug-fix release, mainly to incorporate the new RAC section PE (Prince Edward Island) into the FT8/FT4/MSK144 Contest Mode messages for ARRL Field Day. Several minor fixes and additions are described at the top of the Release Notes here:

Upgrading from earlier versions of WSJT-X should be seamless. There is no need to uninstall a previous version or move any files.

Links to installation packages for Windows, Linux, and Macintosh are available here:

You can also download the packages from our SourceForge site:

It may take a short time for the SourceForge site to be updated.

WSJT-X is licensed under the terms of Version 3 of the GNU General Public License (GPL). Development of this software is a cooperative project to which many amateur radio operators have contributed. If you use our code, please have the courtesy to let us know about it. If you find bugs or make improvements to the code, please report them to us in a timely fashion. Follow instructions in the WSJT-X User Guide here:

We hope you will enjoy using WSJT-X Version 2.2.2.

     -- 73 from Joe, K1JT, Steve, K9AN, and Bill, G4WJS,
             for the entire WSJT Development Group

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