I've been messing about with a function which exports the tone parameters and sends them to a UDP program which then programs a DDS. Not for LF/VLF, this is for a multiplied transmit chain on SHF. The GFSK transitions in FT8 etc are added later in wsjt-x but for this lash-up, I took the values from itone and nsym between genft8_() and gen_ft8wave_() in widgets\mainwindows.cpp and sent then using QUdpSocket writeDatagram() to a simple receiving server on another device, which generates the timed sequence by sending commands to a DDS board. I haven't tried it with QRA64 or JT4 yet.

That approach avoids having to mix anything at signal frequency on 47 or 122 GHz, and permits arbitrary multiplication factors, but you might be able to use a similar technique to program a DDS at baseband.

A different, more generic approach has been tried by Andy G4JNT. He takes the audio tones and interprets those into frequencies and sends the codes to a DDS to reproduce the original.  Andy's system is entirely agnostic about the software using to generate the tones, where I have to patch in my extract-to-UDP source into wsjt-x.

Very early days, and I'm too tied up with machining radio bits to do much coding at the moment.  However, a new AD9912 DDS board just arrived....

Neil G4DBN

On 12/21/2020 12:25 AM, lstosk...@cox.net wrote:

Seems foolish to build a whole SSB rig to convert the audio signal from WSJT to RF when at low frequencies some direct synthesis should be possible.  Or am I dreaming?


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