Hi Jim,

comments in line.

On 25/06/2021 23:22, Jim Pennino via wsjt-devel wrote:
I will be buying a new (Windows) machine soon and in anticipating the future I have the following questions:

1. Are any of the WSJT programs currently threaded?
to some extent. The GUI runs on one thread (process) the decoder in another. Also the FFT algorithms are distributed across multiple CPU threads, but that is a relatively small amount of the overall decoding CPU load. Some startup CPU burden is offloaded to a separate CPU thread, as is audio production, consumption, and CAT control although the latter is mainly blocked waiting for the next action so is not for performance reasons.

2. Are there any future plans for threading either near or far term?
Yes but probably not to utilize all available CPU threads in the near term. Multi-threaded code is hard to get right and the current structure was not created with that in mind, so a major re-write would be necessary.

3. Has anyone every done any performance comparisons for WSJT versus number of cores?

The biggest advantage would be for those running multiple instances of WSJT-X since the separate instances would naturally distribute across available CPU threads.

Amateur radio stations are incorporating more and more software as useful applications become available and reliable, it is not uncommon to run an SDR, a logging program, and one or more digital mode applications on the same PC. Having more CPU threads can help with all of those applications running responsively.


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