Hi all,

These references are interesting, but we have to remember that we are speaking about HF communication on short-wave bands, in half duplex mode. None of the actors (the stations on the band) has a full knowledge of the whole situation of the communication channel in use. Each station has only knowledge about the stations it can see on its own receiver during the receiving slots. This is not a global view. Further, the situation is continuously changing because of the changing propagation conditions. In this context, with this limited information, it is very difficult to find the good choice in a global sense.

PSKreporter is the tool which has a better global overview, but its use is not mandatory, not always possible and PSKreporter displays a view of the past because of the technology used. In the context of continuously changing propagation, this information is of limited usefulness.

When my partner station cannot copy me well, it makes sense to try to use another TX frequency which seems to be free according to my own RX. Perhaps, this can help, but it's not sure. If cannot see what the RX of my partner displays. I cannot verify if my decision was good. If the situation persists, I can just try another TX frequency again.

Best wishes,
Claude (DJ0OT)

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