Hi Lance

Yes, I understand.  But, I'm not sure there is a benefit in you keeping the
report the same for a previous caller if another QSO intervenes.

Consider the situation from the caller's perspective.  They start a QSO off
with you and get their first report.  If that does not decode, it will go
into their average accumulator.  If you then start working someone else,
then your non decoded signal will still go into their average accumulator,
with a different message content, thus 'corrupting' their accumulator.  If
you then go back to working them, the likelihood is that the report message
you sent them previously will essentially be lost.

Thus, I think sending them a different report later on would matter
little.  The best they could probably do is to manually clear their average
when they realise you are calling them again, to then be able to average
your then non-changing report.

The averaging routine places equal emphasis on the last 4 messages stored
when it comes to decoding the average accumulator.  Prior messages have
decreasing contribution. So eventually the averaging catches up with what
it happening at the time, so while helpful, manually clearing the average
is not essential.


Charlie DL3WDG

On Sun, 24 Oct 2021 at 01:33, Lance Collister, W7GJ <w...@bigskyspaces.com>

> Hi Charlie,
> I think the problem was operator fatigue - VY SRI! I did experience last
> night the same thing that you did.
> The problem I was encountering I guess was difficulty finding the exact
> same sequence to reply to again when I returned to calling a previous
> station, and wanted to maintain the same report in my reply so it would not
> upset their AVERAGE in trying to decode me. Normally of course, this is not
> a problem when you are running a sked with only one station.  However,
> during an EME DXpedition, when you are bouncing around from station to
> station, trying to see who is actually copying you at a given time, the
> AVERAGE screen on the right fills quickly with multiple calls from multiple
> callers, and it is really a challenge trying to find the correct previous
> sequence so your reply contains the report you originally sent to them.   I
> have been trying to keep track of the report sent to each station by hand
> so I can duplicate the same report, but find that it often takes me more
> than half a Q65-60A sequence to scroll up through all the decodes to find
> the original call. Actually, what often happens is that I pick the wrong
> decode to reply to and then have to manually adjust the report with the
> report wheel. Many times I only got it to the original sequence by the end
> of my transmission :-(  So when that happens, I guess I have ruined the
> chance of the other station building up an average of my replies.
> Maybe if there were an option to keep the signal report the same even if
> there are a number of intervening contacts or transmissions to other
> stations, I guess that is what I am trying to do by hand and failing
> miserably at... Do you understand my dilemma?
> MNI TNX and VY 73,  Lance
> On 10/23/2021 14:15, Charles Suckling wrote:
> Hi Lance
> I'm not seeing that here with 2.5.1.  I tested replying to a CQ call and
> clicking on an average decode (there were no single period decodes in my
> benchmark test files) it populates the messages correctly with the S/N of
> the decoded average message.
> 73
> Charlie
> On Sat, 23 Oct 2021 at 15:28, Lance Collister, W7GJ via wsjt-devel <
> wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
>> I finally was able to download 2.5.1, even though I am not using
>> compound callsign at the moment. One thing I noticed that seems to be
>> different is that when I click on a decode in the AVERAGE window to
>> reply, the program used to reply with the signal strength shown in the
>> decode. Now that doesn't happen anymore. So in order to make sure I
>> continue sending the same reply as I did previously, I have to refer to
>> my notes and then adjust the report dial to make the report match the
>> decode.
>> I think it was better before...  TNX and VY 73, Lance
>> --
>> Lance Collister, W7GJ(ex WA3GPL, WA1JXN, WA1JXN/C6A, ZF2OC/ZF8, E51SIX,
>> 3D2LR, 5W0GJ, E6M, TX5K, KH8/W7GJ, V6M, T8GJ, VK9CGJ, VK9XGJ, C21GJ, CP1GJ,
>> S79GJ, FO/W7GJ, TX7MB)
>> P.O. Box 73
>> Frenchtown, MT   59834-0073
>> USA
>> TEL: (406) 626-5728
>> QTH: DN27ub
>> URL: http://www.bigskyspaces.com/w7gj
>> Skype: lanceW7GJ
>> 2m DXCC #11/6m DXCC #815
>> Interested in 6m EME?  Ask me about subscribing to the Magic Band EME
>> email group, or just fill in the request box at the bottom of my web
>> page (above)!
>> _______________________________________________
>> wsjt-devel mailing list
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> --
> Lance Collister, W7GJ(ex WA3GPL, WA1JXN, WA1JXN/C6A, ZF2OC/ZF8, E51SIX, 
> 3D2LR, 5W0GJ, E6M, TX5K, KH8/W7GJ, V6M, T8GJ, VK9CGJ, VK9XGJ, C21GJ, CP1GJ, 
> S79GJ, FO/W7GJ, TX7MB)
> P.O. Box 73
> Frenchtown, MT   59834-0073
> TEL: (406) 626-5728
> QTH: DN27ub
> URL: http://www.bigskyspaces.com/w7gj
> Skype: lanceW7GJ
> 2m DXCC #11/6m DXCC #815
> Interested in 6m EME?  Ask me about subscribing to the Magic Band EME
> email group, or just fill in the request box at the bottom of my web
> page (above)!
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