Hi, this is Serge, ON4AA,
mostly known from https://hamwaves.com/propagation/

I am writing to this mailing list in a desperate attempt to contact Prof. Joe 
Taylor, K1JT.
Late last August, I tried reaching Joe on his Princeton e-mail address but got no response, most probably due to the pandemic.

Here is the deal:

WSPR can be used to observe the largest structure in our solar system: the 
heliospheric current sheet (HCS).

I have been aggregating, over the course of almost four years, the data of 
nearly 42 million individual WSPR reports and
have compared this with satellite data at the L1 Lagrange point and other data 

Statistical analysis (I was formally trained at this) shows that WSPR is far superior to other Earth-based methods for observing the HCS. This finding also has an important consequence for our understanding about amateur radio propagation; but more on that later.

At the moment, I am preparing a paper which I hope to publish in ACU Space 
Weather, a peer-reviewed scientific journal.
I would love to acknowledge the contribution of Joe and other WSPR & wsprnet.org developers and this is why I am writing here.

I am looking forward to someone here putting me in direct contact with Joe, or for Joe to write me at: serge(at)stroobandt.com Thanks!

73 de Serge, ON4AA

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