" https://wsjtx.groups.io/g/main/message/40301 "

Thanks for that link Martin.

I attempted to change to a previously saved Fox/Hound configuration that worked 
fine in ver 2.3.0.  It not only came up with a zero and red frequency box but 
it also failed to connect to Omni-Rig.

When I switched back to my FT8 baseline version it connected to Omni-Rig ok.

Selecting a configuration that was a copy of my FT8 baseline also connected to 

The failure to connect to Omni-Rig with a configuration that was saved by 
2.6.0-rc5 with Hound active seems 100% repeatable.

I reverted to ver 2.3.0 and found I could not connect Omni-Rig with my 
Fox/Hound configuration which had been working ok for months. Ver 2.3.0 still 
works ok with my FT8 baseline configuration.

I saved a new copy of FT8 baseline, opened it, set Hound mode, imported a 
DXpedition frequency file, and then closed ver 2.3.0.  I can now switch between 
FT8 baseline configuration and Hound configuration with both connecting to 
Omni-Rig.  However, if I select the Hound config file that had worked for 
months before it was opened by 2.6.0 rc5,  I cannot connect to Omni-Rig.

Andy, k3wyc

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