
I'm using CQRLOG as the default QSO logging software with WSJT-X, the two programs works jointly through the internal UDP ports 2337/2333.

The following issue is occurring since several time, it is not related to a specific WSJT-X or CQRLOG version.

It happened and it still happens from time to time:

If you start to call a certain station (or even you are being called by) and you start exchanging the RST, if in the meanwhile you wish to provide an acknowledgement to an additional station which has came later (as you were doing chat with both the two stations at an half-duplex similar QSO), then in almost all cases the first QSO being logged will get mixed data from the two stations!

When I say "mixed data" I mean that in the log it could get wrote: mixed RST exchange, or mixed name and QTH, or even mixed CQ and WAZ zone!

Now that I'm writing this last detail, I think that this issue being more related to CQRLOG then, since it does a lookup on QRZ.com or even QTH.com.

Well, I don't know who is the root cause, I suppose that other users are facing the same issue.

Thanks for reading!
*73 de Marco, PY1ZRJ (former IK5BCU)*
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