While receiving FT8 in Super Hound mode, after several hours (unattended).

Possibly a duplicate and already fixed, posting just in case...

Peter PA1POS

WSJT-X 2.7.0 RC5 crash dump

Running: /Applications/wsjtx.app/Contents/MacOS/jt9 -s WSJT-X -w 1 -m 3 -e 
/Applications/wsjtx.app/Contents/MacOS -a "/Users/peter/Library/Application 
Support/WSJT-X" -t 
At line 63 of file sfox_demod.f90
Fortran runtime error: Index '129' of dimension 1 of array 's2' outside of 
expected range (127:0)

Error termination. Backtrace:
#0  0x10a68a8ee
#1  0x10a68b5d5
#2  0x10a68bb45
#3  0x10038cfee
#4  0x10038b386
#5  0x10038ab63
#6  0x1003b369e
sh: .sfrx: command not found
Fortran runtime error: EXECUTE_COMMAND_LINE: Invalid command line

Error termination. Backtrace:
#0  0x117cd48ee
#1  0x117cd55d5
#2  0x117cd5a18
#3  0x117f345e2
#4  0x117f34809
#5  0x117f348e6
#6  0x10269f3f7

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