I have experimentally determined that my threshold is about -15 to
seems to agree with theory.

New veision is doing well. +6 is as strong as I have seen any signal from
K8R and it decoded it no problem.

Tomorrow morning, if they are on 20m, that should be a good test, because
they have been very strong the past 3 mornings.

Congrats to you, Steve, Uwe and the rest of the team. It's a pleasure to
see decode after decode, with none missing.

73, N0AN

On Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 6:38 PM Joe Taylor via wsjt-devel <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> We know how sensitive the SuperFox mode is.  Here are some details,
> computed by our simulation test program for the "Mid-latitude Moderate"
> channel.  We used 10000 simulated transmissions for each SNR in the table.
> Code: QPC(127,50)  Q:128   NDS:151  NSPS:1024  Baud:11.719  BW: 1512.
> Channel: MM  TxT:12.9  SyncType: 1  Iters:  10000  Depth:5  dth:0.70
> damp:1.00
>       SNR  Eb/No  fsync   fgood    wer     uer    rmsf rmst  tdec
>        dB   dB                                     Hz   ms     s
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>     -8.00  11.07 0.99990 0.99990 0.00010 0.00000  0.28  1.3 0.005
>     -9.00  10.07 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000  0.35  1.5 0.005
>    -10.00   9.07 0.99940 0.99890 0.00110 0.00000  0.42  1.7 0.005
>    -11.00   8.07 0.99900 0.99840 0.00160 0.00000  0.51  1.9 0.006
>    -12.00   7.07 0.99750 0.99480 0.00520 0.00000  0.63  2.1 0.006
>    -13.00   6.07 0.99530 0.98330 0.01670 0.00000  0.74  2.4 0.009
>    -14.00   5.07 0.98880 0.92600 0.07400 0.00000  0.93  2.8 0.021
>    -15.00   4.07 0.97840 0.71720 0.28280 0.00010  1.10  3.3 0.063
>    -16.00   3.07 0.95490 0.24070 0.75930 0.00010  1.31  3.8 0.147
>    -17.00   2.07 0.92350 0.01270 0.98730 0.00010  1.54  4.4 0.175
>    -18.00   1.07 0.87330 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000  1.65  5.2 0.176
> Threshold sensitivity (50% decoding): -15.5 dB
> You can probably figure out what the column headings mean.  On this
> channel, the 50% decoding threshold occurs for the SuperFox waveform at
> SNR = -15.5 dB.
> If Fox operated using single-stream FT8, you could copy him most of the
> time down to about -17 dB.  Occasionally a little weaker, depending on
> channel details.  To work him when he's using a single stream, you'd
> need to get in line and it might be a long wait.
> If Fox was using two or more old-style F+H streams, his  signal would be
> much weaker: -6 dB for two streams, -14 dB for 5 streams.
> The SuperFox signal is the same strength, independent of how many Hounds
> he's working, and (on the Mid-latitude Moderate channel) the 50%
> decoding threshold is -15.5 dB.
>         -- 73, Joe, K1JT
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