Having seen the recent announcement by Joe on behalf of the DEV team that
RC6 was out there and needed testing, it seems to be the right time to jump
on into the SuperFox experience (not used any of the previous RC's in this

I chose the X64 package for windows and downloaded, extracted it using 7Zip
(my go to for extracting the WSJT-X packages).  Created a shortcut to start
it so it had its own Radio name and proceeded to start up RC6.  Went
through the normal hoops to enter Call, Grid and Setup the Audio and radio
side of it, Now I use the FLRig programs in between the physical rig port
and WSJT-X to give me a display of the Rigs power out, SWR and other
settings.  The only hiccup was no PTT to my IC-7600 but the very handy
'Update Hamlib' button solved my initial no PTT error, thanks Michael Black
for your efforts with HamLib and the team for including this button
to refresh Hamlib.

Next stop, 21 MHz and to find that K8K was on 21.091...  within a minute I
had K8K decoding on the screen with no effort from me and in the next
minute, I had a QSO completed with SupaFox as a hound.

My heartfelt thanks to the DEV team for such a slick package, I wish there
was something more I could do to contribute, but as a coder I would make a
good blacksmith :-)

Peter, vk5pj from DownUnder
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