Approx a week ago I inquired on the email thread about fixing my "Worked
Before Status" problem.
I had an incomplete wsjtx_log.adi, and had lost previous wsjtx version
folders.  (I did have full backups
of my full station log and also uploaded for 9 years to QRZ, LOTW, and use
ACLog on the PC.)

The developers suggested that you could take a copy of your full log file
from a logging program
such as ACLog, LOTW,, or others, rename it to wsjt_log.adi, place
it in the wsjtx log
directory, and click Rescan ADIF Log on the Settings -> Colors dialog
window.   This did not work.

I assume that the entire purpose of the Rescan ADIF Log button was for the
use stated above,
whereby a user may have lost their wsjtx_log.adi file, or had an incomplete
one, and wanted to import a
full log from an external program?   (This assumption is supported by the
fact that if you never lost your
wsjtx_log.adi file, or if your file was complete since you first started
using wsjtx, there is no need for the button.)

So please consider this a formal bug report.

1.  I inspected full log files for the last 9 years of operation from LOTW,
QRZ, and ACLog.  All three of
these programs create a vertically stacked ADIF export log file that has
spaces (blank lines) between each record.

<APP_LoTW_RXQSO:19>2024-07-31 01:02:16 // QSO record inserted/modified at
<APP_LoTW_QSO_TIMESTAMP:20>2024-07-31T01:00:00Z // QSO Date & Time; ISO-8601
<APP_LoTW_RXQSL:19>2024-07-31 01:51:08 // QSL record matched/modified at


The blank lines, or perhaps the vertical stacking of the fields, creates
problems for the wsjtx rescan code?

2.  DXLabs DKkeeper log is different, and exports standard ADIF that is
horizontal arrangement of fields,
yet contains a number of newlines inside one QSO record.   For example:
<Band:3>40M <Call:5>K0MLD <APP_DXKEEPER_DXCCPREFIX:1>K <DXCC:3>291
<Freq:7>7.07489 <Mode:3>FT8 <Name:13>Mark L Drieci <Operator:5>N6YFM
<QSL_Via:48>LOTW, EQSL, QRZ, HRDLOG, Clublog, Bureau, Direct
<QSO_DATE:8>20240115 <TIME_OFF:6>013200 <TIME_ON:6>013100 <QTH:7>Conifer
<RST_Rcvd:3>-04 <RST_Sent:3>+02 <TX_PWR:5>100.0 <QSLMsg:25>FT8  Sent: +02
 Rcvd: -04 <Comment:25>FT8  Sent: +02  Rcvd: -04 <CONT:2>NA <ITUZ:1>7
<CQZ:1>4 <GRIDSQUARE:6>DM79hm <ADDRESS:78>Mark Someone
123 Alpha Street
CO, 80433
United States <PFX:2>K0 <State:2>CO <CNTY:8>CO,Adams
<SFI:3>188 <DISTANCE:7>1319.96 <LAT:11>N039 31.250 <LON:11>W105 22.500
<FREQ_RX:7>7.07489 <BAND_RX:3>40M <QSO_COMPLETE:1>Y <EMAIL:20> <APP_DXKeeper_LotW_MEMBER:1>Y

but DXKeeper log has no blank lines in the ADIF export log file.   So
perhaps this would work for wsjtx rescan?  I do not
know the code for the rescan.

3.  Bug Summary:    I have not tested DXLabs DKkeeper ADIF log import to
wsjtx, but I have tested LOTW, ACLog, and
     In those three cases, the Rescan for Worked Before Status fails.   So
perhaps the rescan button code needs more work?

4.  To test this: I took an LOTW full log ADIF Export file into Notepad++,
removed all the blank lines, and then collapsed the vertically
stacked QSO records to be all fields horizontal on one line each, just like
wsjtx_log.adi file.   I placed that full edited log file into the
wsjtx log folder and then started wsjtx and clicked Rescan ADIF Log, and
now it worked.

So in summary:   If the imported log file has all blank lines removed, and
has a QSO record on one horizontal line, then
RESCAN ADIF LOG button seems to work fine, and my "Worked Before Status"
functions properly and is complete.

I hope the above information is useful to the development team in fixing
the Rescan Log button code.


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