I may have missed any discussion around this but what effect will EMF requiring Java 5 have on WTP? Will WTP now have to require Java 5?

Lawrence Mandel

Software Developer
IBM Rational Software
Phone: 905 - 413 - 3814   Fax: 905 - 413 - 4920

----- Forwarded by Lawrence Mandel/Toronto/IBM on 10/10/2006 01:39 AM -----
Ed Merks/Toronto/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

10/06/2006 03:16 PM

Please respond to
Cross project issues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Cross project issues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[cross-project-issues-dev] Europa and EMF 3.0


I just wanted to update folks on our progress and what to expect from EMF for Europa.   We are in the process of changing our builds to use Java 5.0 so all our .class files will only work in a 5.0 JVM.  We will update every single plugin's MANIFEST.MF to indicate that it requires Java 5.0 and we will increment the version number to 3.0.0.  For those downstream clients with hard coded upper bounds, this will probably cause some pain; you might want to change the upper bound on your EMF/XSD/SDO dependencies sooner rather than later.  

Bugzilla https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=79768 contains patches for a complete templatization of org.eclipse.emf.common.  These changes have been tested and work with no changes to any downstream plugins, so our first 3.0 build, or one shortly there after, will likely contain these changes; we're still reviewing them in great detail, so comments and feedback on the changes there would be most welcome.  We'll be particularly sensitive to any reports of binary incompatibility.

The next step will be templatizing org.eclipse.emf.ecore.  Firstly we will templatize the collection classes in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util, then the APIs and implementations in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource, and eventually we will be regenerating the Ecore API itself to exploit all the templatized collections.  One issue I expect will come up is the following.  Resource.getContents will be changed to return EList<EObject>.  For clients who have suppressed EObject from their generated API, this might result in a source incompatibility, i.e., they'll need to add a cast to EObject when adding their objects to the resource's contents.  The underlying collection has always been backed by an EObject[] array, so it must already be the case that anything you add must be compatible with EObject at runtime.   This source incompatibility will only be a problem if you compile your source with Java 5.0 source compatibility and hence you can avoid reacting to this change, or any of EMF's 3.0 changes, by ensuring you build with 1.4 source compatibility.

If there are any questions, comments, or concerns, now is a good time to raise them!

Note that in the interest of openness and transparency we will be actively using the emf-dev mailing list for development discussions like this.

Ed Merks/Toronto/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
905-413-3265  (t/l 969)
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