Yes sorry - I can do it tomorrow or Monday.

Any preference?

Thanks - Chuck

Rational Java EE Tooling Team Lead
IBM Software Lab - Research Triangle Park, NC
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Ph: 919-254-1848 (T/L: 444)

"Raev, Kaloyan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "General discussion of project-wide 
or architectural issues." <>, Chuck 
Bridgham/Raleigh/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
07/10/2008 01:24 PM
RE: [wtp-dev] Mixing spec levels in EAR. Opinions?

I think we have lost the thread here...
Chuck, what is the soonest day you can organize a telecon in the  8:00 AM 
to 9:00 AM PDT timeslot?

Behalf Of Konstantin Komissarchik
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2008 7:17 PM
To: General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues.; Chuck 
Subject: RE: [wtp-dev] Mixing spec levels in EAR. Opinions?

Next week works ok for me and I suppose I can do 8 AM PDT if that's 
absolutely the only time that makes sense for everyone else.
- Konstantin

Behalf Of Raev, Kaloyan
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2008 9:21 AM
To: Chuck Bridgham
Cc: General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues.
Subject: RE: [wtp-dev] Mixing spec levels in EAR. Opinions?

Hi Chuck, 
Does this mean you can organize the telecon any day after Thursday from 
8:00 AM to 9:00 AM PDT?

From: Chuck Bridgham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2008 4:58 PM
To: Raev, Kaloyan
Cc: General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues.
Subject: RE: [wtp-dev] Mixing spec levels in EAR. Opinions?


This Thursday doesn't work for me, but I can meet next week, any day at 
the same time mentioned. 

Thanks - Chuck

Rational Java EE Tooling Team Lead
IBM Software Lab - Research Triangle Park, NC
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Ph: 919-254-1848 (T/L: 444) 

"Raev, Kaloyan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Chuck Bridgham/Raleigh/[EMAIL PROTECTED], "General discussion of project-wide 
architectural issues." <> 
07/02/2008 08:13 AM 
RE: [wtp-dev] Mixing spec levels in EAR. Opinions?

It really seems we need a phone call... 
Chuck, I remember we had phone calls when discussing JEE5 more than year 
ago. Is it possible to use the same teleconference for this topic? 
As far as I remember the time slot was on Thursday, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM PDT. 


Behalf Of Konstantin Komissarchik
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 7:13 PM
To: General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues.
Subject: RE: [wtp-dev] Mixing spec levels in EAR. Opinions?

I still haven't heard a viable argument for why this restriction is 
necessary. Allowing ear facet version changes does not completely address 
the scenario that I presented. In a large and complicated app, the user 
may not be ready to upgrade the ear spec level. That may be quite an 
undertaking. Regarding the relationship between facet version and 
descriptor schema, anything other than strict 1-to-1 relationship can lead 
to all sorts of problems in both WTP and adopter code. It should be 
considered an error case. Sounds like we need a phone call. 
- Konstantin 

Behalf Of Raev, Kaloyan
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 5:41 AM
To: General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues.
Subject: RE: [wtp-dev] Mixing spec levels in EAR. Opinions?

Tim, Konstantin, thank you for your comments. 
I agree with Tim that the facet version of the EAR should be considered as 
the max spec level of the modules that this EAR can include. This sounds 
nice in terms of validation. 
On the other side I agree with the scenario given by Konstantin. At the 
moment the users really cannot upgrade an existing EAR 1.4 to EAR 5 and 
add EE 5 modules to it. 
So, the solution in this situation I see to be that we allow upgrading the 
facet version of EAR projects. Then we can do a strict 
validation/filtering based on the EAR's facet version and at the same time 
have the Konstantin's scenario possible. How hard would it be to introduce 
this? I even see two possible option: 
  1) upgrading EAR facet version without upgrading the DD (should be quite 
  2) upgrading EAR facet version and upgrading the DD 

Behalf Of Konstantin Komissarchik
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 7:14 PM
To: General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues.
Subject: RE: [wtp-dev] Mixing spec levels in EAR. Opinions?

Here are my views on the subject... 
Given that the spec is ambiguous, the question that should be asked is "is 
there at least one runtime that supports this scenario"? If the answer is 
yes for at least one runtime, then in order to follow WTP charter and not 
preclude proper integration of that runtime with WTP, we have to take a 
more allowing stance on this. There is indeed at least one runtime that 
has no problem with this scenario. I just had someone verify that WLS does 
in fact support it. 
The situation is made worse by the fact that we still have no support for 
spec level changes, so users can get stuck. The following scenario is not 
that uncommon: 
1. User has an existing j2ee 1.4 app. 
2. User needs to add a new module. 
3. User wants to take advantage of java ee 5 features in new code. 
We should not be getting in the way of this scenario. If particular 
servers do not support this, then server adapters for those servers can 
perform that validation and alert the user. 
- Konstantin 

Behalf Of Tim deBoer
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 10:07 AM
To: General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues.
Subject: Re: [wtp-dev] Mixing spec levels in EAR. Opinions?

Hi Kaloyan, 

Thank you for raising this issue. I agree we are inconsistent in parts, 
and although we don't necessarily need to resolve all of the issues 
immediately we should at least have a common definition of what is 
'correct' and may eventually be supported by WTP. 

Among the IBM committers we generally agree with #2, but have made an 
interesting distinction: the schema used by a DD is only a bottom boundary 
on the spec level of the EAR or module. As an example, a '1.4' EAR that 
contains an EJB 3.0 module is really just an EE 5 EAR (or EE 6.0 or ...) 
with an older DD. Likewise, EJB 3.0 annotations within an EJB module is an 
indication that the EJB is at least EE 5/EJB 3.0, even if the DD still 
points to the EJB 2.0 schema. 

If DD schemas and spec API usage are just a bottom boundary, it means that 
there is nothing within the contents of an EAR or module that can 
precisely determine its level. So how do we tell if it is valid for a user 
to add an EJB 3.0 module to what currently looks like a 1.4 EAR? Was it 
really an EE 5 EAR all along, do they want to uplevel the EAR, or is the 
user simply making a mistake? 

The solution we came to is using facets. Facet versions allow the user to 
tell us which spec level they expect an EAR/module to be at, and gives us 
something to tool for and validate against. The versions are set on 
project creation or on import based on what we initially find in the 
modules. >From there, the facet version of an EAR determines the maximum 
spec level of modules that can be added or which servers it can be run on, 
and validation can show errors for invalid modules or if the DD points to 
a schema above the level of the facet. 

If you agree with the original distinction (that true EAR 1.4s can't hold 
EJB 3 modules, but the schema used by the DD is only a bottom boundary on 
the spec level), then I think you'll eventually come to the same 
conclusion we have. Please feel free to let me know what you think and 
others can chime in, or we can discuss on one of the WTP calls. 

Tim deBoer

"Raev, Kaloyan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
"General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues." 
06/26/2008 09:04 AM 
[wtp-dev] Mixing spec levels in EAR. Opinions?


I want to bring up again an issue that was discussed some time ago in
Bugzilla. It is about mixing of spec levels of EAR and included modules.
There are two bugs related:

Everybody agree that EAR with spec level X could include modules with
spec level X or lower. Example: EAR 5 can include EJB 2.1. 
But there is no consensus of opinion on EAR with spec level X to include
modules with spec level higher than X. Example: EAR 1.4 to include EJB
3.0. There are two contrary opinions:
1. EAR 1.4 can include EJB 3.0
2. EAR 1.4 cannot include EJB 3.0. 

The supporters of opinion 1 says that it is not forbidden by the Java EE
The supporters of opinion 2 says that it is (at least indirectly)
forbidden by the spec. This is because the contract of the Java EE spec
says that a deployment module compliant with spec level X must always be
able to deploy on an application server compliant with spec level X. Now
let's look again at our example of EAR 1.4 including EJB 3.0. EAR 1.4 is
a J2EE 1.4 deployment module and it is guaranteed by the spec that it
will deploy on all J2EE 1.4 compliant servers. But if we try to deploy
it on an J2EE 1.4 compliant app server, that is not at the same time
Java EE 5 compliant, then our deployment will fail, because of the
included EJB 3.0 module (which is Java EE 5 spec level). 

At the moment there is an inconsistency in several dialogs in WTP
regarding this issue. For example the Java EE Module Dependencies
property page of an EAR 1.4 project filters Java EE 5 modules for
selection, while at the same time the project creation wizard allows a
EJB 3.0 project to be added to an existing EAR 1.4 project. 

I suggest that we discuss this problem and hope we will have an
agreement for WTP 3.0.1. I invite all application server vendors
represented in this mailing list to express their support for either
opinion 1 or opinion 2. 

Kaloyan Raev
Eclipse WTP Committer
Senior Developer
SAP Labs Bulgaria
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