I might have a request for one of the wst.xsl components that an adopter was hoping to have released in the December time frame.

The PsychoPath XPath 2.0 processor which is currently a part of the wst.xsl code is planned to be used by Xerces-J's XML Schema 1.1 support. We've been working pretty hard to get the processor to pass the W3C Test Suite and are pretty close. I know that XSL isn't it's own project, but what would be the process to possibly release just the XPath 2.0 Processor as a standalone jar in December?

I'm waiting to hear back from the Xerces-J developers on this, to find out what their time frame for release is. If it's next year, than this may be a moot point. Just bringing it up since I'm not going to be able to make tomorrows call.


David M Williams wrote:
After discussions with Committers and Adopters, the WTP PMC has
decided that WTP as a whole will not have a December Release, as originally planned. Thus, WTP 3.2 will be in June, 2010, as part of the Helios Simultaneous Release.

The original reason for the off-cycle release was to release some Java
EE 6 support, but with spec slips, and heavy committer work loads, it
is felt that not enough could get done by December to make it worth
while. We collectively think we would be better off producing good
milestones, while focusing on the main goal of a solid, fully
functioning Helios Release.

One sub-project, Dali will still have a December Release, Dali 3.0,
that will support JPA 2.0, assuming the JPA 2.0 spec dates do not change
significantly. It will be built on the WTP 3.1.1 Maintenance Release (Galileo SR1).

We will discuss implications for committers (e.g. changes in due dates) more in Thursday's status meeting but if this change impacts anyone else that we have not anticipated, feel free to let us know by writing a note to either this list or any member of the PMC. Thanks,

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