Attached is a draft proposal for Java EE Configuration Editors project that
I mentioned on this list before EclipseCon. Please review and comment. I
have kept the document brief and to the point. If anything is unclear,
please ask for more detail. 


I am looking for some +1s from WTP PMC and Chuck (as Java EE Tools lead)
before sending this over to EMO to start the official project creation




- Konstantin








Title: Java EE Module Configuration Editors

The Java EE Module Configuration Editors project is a proposed open source project under the WTP Java EE Tools project.

This proposal is in the Project Proposal Phase (as defined in the Eclipse Development Process) and is written to declare its intent and scope. We solicit additional participation and input from the Eclipse community. Please send all feedback to the WTP Forum.


Java EE modules are configured via complex XML configuration files and Java annotations. Editing this configuration is difficult, especially for novice developers and those working on very large application. A form-based editor that brings together information from XML configuration files and Java annotations would be a useful tool. The contest assist and validation provided by such an editor could help eliminate certain kinds of common bugs.


Editors for Java EE module configurations.


The editors would be built using Sapphire. Each editor would bring in information from the module's XML configuration file as well as the relevant annotations into a unified view. A user working with the editor will not necessarily know what flavor of configuration is being edited.


The following individuals are proposed as initial committers to the project:

Konstantin Komissarchik, Oracle
Konstantin is the project lead for the Sapphire project and is a committer on several WTP projects.


The following Architecture Council members will mentor this project:

  • Mentor 1
  • Mentor 2

Interested Parties

The following individuals, organisations, companies and projects have expressed interest in this project:

  • Somebody, Affiliation
  • Somebody else, Affiliation

Project Scheduling

The plan is to start implementation sometime in the Summer of 2011 with the goal to deliver editors for Web, EAR and EJB modules in time for Juno release in 2012.

This project will remain in incubation until the editors are sufficiently mature and Sapphire itself exits incubation. In the meantime, the project will produce regular releases and join the release trains. After graduation, this project may merge into the main Java EE Tools project.

Changes to this Document

Date Change
2011-04-22 Document created
wtp-dev mailing list

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