Hello WTP committers,

As we have discussed in the WTP PMC we should start addressing the migration 
from CVS to Git in the WTP project. The actual migration will not happen in the 
Juno timeframe for sure, but we should use this time to educate ourselves and 
get comfortable with Git, so we can migrate soon after Juno is released in 2012.

For this purpose we've started a wiki page with collection of useful resources: 

IMHO, the next step should be to poll how many of the WTP committer feel 
already comfortable with Git and how many require to get more experience. If we 
have this picture then we will be able to build some action plan for Juno. I 
suggest that we discuss on this Thursday's meeting how to execute such a poll.

Kaloyan Raev | T +359 2 9157-416
SAP Labs Bulgaria | PO OnDemand Platform Convergence
green belt<http://www.blackbeltfactory.com/ui/#User/16176610> on JavaBlackBelt 

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